Block loops - making tracking seem a bit simpler

A simple and intuitive idea to simplify tracking.

  1. Kind of an interface improvement, as it makes loops less visually important. (a benefit to new users, and others, in the overwhelming matrix that a cluttered pattern is).

  2. No more copy and pasting blocks, unless you want to use the old workflow.

  3. Any cycling pattern data (tempo changes and other stuff) need only be entered ONCE.

PS. Disregard the term “track loop” in the picture. “Block loop” is a better name.

6617 3.png

Hm, I find this not so good, because the looped parts are invisible then? What about continuous pasting? It kind of complicates the structure of a track.

Also on a loop, you like to add slight parameter variations, so it doesn’t sound totally statical, no?

Would be pretty nice to have as an option. Kind of a ghost loop. Perhaps the repeats could be made transparent instead of a total blackout.

OK, A block loop that is over loadable / still over writable on any position - how is this?

I intended for this feature to be seen as a rudimentary feature for pattern editing, not to be usable in any and all cases. See it as an enhancement to a workflow that would otherwise rely heavily on copypaste.

Isn’t this essentially what a phrase is already ?

Isn’t this essentially what a phrase is already ?

Nope. Phrases are part of instruments, limited to their samples (and effects), and tedious to use only for the sake of repetition.

renoise already has a thing called block loops. you select part of a pattern, hit block loop, and it loops over those lines only.

this idea seems weird and complex to me but hey… if the team wants to implement it, so be it. I’ll never use it :slight_smile:

renoise already has a thing called block loops. you select part of a pattern, hit block loop, and it loops over those lines only.

this idea seems weird and complex to me but hey… if the team wants to implement it, so be it. I’ll never use it :slight_smile:

That’s a different feature. Sorry for confusing if the term is already taken.

The idea is quite straight forward I think.