Currently block mode play is very blocky to use. So how about making it bit more flexible with improvements:
Freely assignable block start and stop markers, independent from patterns.
some shortcuts for:
Marking a block around the selection
Marking block start and stop points to current cursor position
Shortcuts for marking next 8/16/32/64 lines etc. f.ex:
if shortcut = ctrl+ö //just an example
then ctrl+2ö=16 rows
else ctrl+3ö=32 rows
generally ctrl+(iö)=(8*(2^(i-1))) rows
Of course could be replaced with:
ctrl+a=whole track
ctrl+2*a=whole pattern
ctrl+t=select whole track
alt+t=add track
The latter would be much more logical than current behavior since almost all selection marking shortcuts lie under ctrl-key. Of course you can always change it in the shortcut editor, but why hasn’t it been this way to start with? Beats me…
e:uh, apparently not so. But anyways almost all that I use