Boards of Canada - Tomorrow's Harvest

Frankly, I thought campfire headphase was rubbish compared to their other releases. The drum programming is super bland, and the none of the songs have that strange dark undercurrent that made their other albums so interesting.

I would actually LOVE it if they put out another MHTRTC or Geogaddi. Albums that good deserve to be replicated. Electronic artists also get this absurd standard placed on them that other bands don’t where they are expected to revolutionize music with every release, when rock bands have been doing the same shit for the last 5 decades.

I’ve heard people say that Geogaddi was a rehash of MHTRTC - that is straight up ridiculous. There were a few songs that were similar, but a whole lot that weren’t.

I reall liked campfire headphase …although ’ twoism’ and 'geogadd’i are my favourites
Peacocks tail on wonderfull

Yea, Campfire Headphase is not bad, it’s just that the others are really good. You can’t say it was something they just tossed off- the sound design, despite the guitars, is some of their best, in my opinion.

Reach for the Dead is great.

this is said to be the track “cold earth”:

can’t wait for that album.

EDIT: woops, that video got removed from youtube.

I think Tomorrow’s Harvest isn’t groundbreaking, but I love it nevertheless. I don’t (anymore) love music because it’s ground breaking. I love music because of the feeling. I listen to this album every day since Monday, and every day I love some other track more than my fav track of the the day before. :)/>

PS. I don’t compare it to the older stuff atm. I rather enjoy it as a fresh new album for this fresh new summer.