February 6, 2010, 1:51am
Right, now that I’ve pretended to know what I’m talking about when I’m commenting on other people’s music…
Retaliation time.
It’s called Boats.
I’m calling it a work in progress since it was a recent one-day thing and could, (and hopefully will), benefit from a bit more work.
Thoughts, suggestions, any sort of feedback is appreciated.
(Also, is there a way to embed the waveform player with a free soundcloud account, or is that $$$ only?)
edit- thanks ceero width=100% height=81[/embed]
February 6, 2010, 1:53am
You can do it. Like this: width=100% height=81[/embed]
Will listen to your track in a bit
February 12, 2010, 4:04pm
Sorry I didn’t give feedback sooner, last time I listened to it I didn’t really know what to say…
Like the track, nice feel to it, easy going and smooth. Drums could use some sharpening up though I think… Maybe layer a bright kick (cut bottom, more highs) on top of the one already there and some more bright frequencies on the rest? Not talking about the loop (I think )
Sorry my feedback’s a bit thinner than yours, you seem to be a lot better at that than me
February 12, 2010, 9:58pm
Sorry I didn’t give feedback sooner, last time I listened to it I didn’t really know what to say…
Like the track, nice feel to it, easy going and smooth. Drums could use some sharpening up though I think… Maybe layer a bright kick (cut bottom, more highs) on top of the one already there and some more bright frequencies on the rest? Not talking about the loop (I think )
Sorry my feedback’s a bit thinner than yours, you seem to be a lot better at that than me
Thanks for the feedback, man.
Listening to it again, yeah, think you’re dead on, I’ll have to work on that.