Bpms Again

Are there any plans to fix the BPMs, as Snares pointed out earlier?

At speed 3 180 bpm, the actual bpm as reported by renoise is something like 180.0526 or something. It’s a very subtle difference, but in packages like Ableton, theres a limit to the decimals, so it rounds off and thus gives erroneous results.

The more i use renoise with other software, the more i realise this weakness, and as i’m not really aware of what causes it or how hard it is to mend, it appears a very valid problem.

What’s the status?

This is probably more related to specific VST devices which aren’t capable of following subtimed bpms right?

If they don’t follow the exact bpms with the specific true Renoise bpm/speed table values supplied this might as well be a problem with the plugin itself.
The best thing to check this is if you can find out on the plugin’s related site are topics mentioning the problem or wether forums are mentioning similar problems with these plugs in other hosts.

Nah man, try rendering a renoise track to multiple wavs and dropping it in ableton. First of all the auto bpm find has a field day trying to get it right, and if you type the bpm in manually ableton only supports like 2 decimal points, so it gets rounded off, and thus is still wrong. Now, try beatmatching your erroneous bpm track to one that has a precise one. It’s a party for sure.

the BPMs of renoise are off, this sucks, you constantly run into problems if you use your renoise-work with any other software or any other musicians using other software.
somewhere in this board I posted a (nasty) way to trim your tracks to correct BPMs (involving adobe audition).
I am actually glad that more people start complaining about this because I really hope that this gets fixed sooner now. But I understand that this is really a biggie to do.

Yeah, I’d love to see this changed, too. Cubase has a BPM set to 3 decimals, but it’s still not good enough to precisely sync some long tracks from Renoise. Maybe also because even the Real BPM in Renoise is not really real or the one in Cubase is not real.

Sub tick timing, which did get some votes if I remember, should be helpful in that matter.

And I’d also like to see a more precise BPM setting then, with decimal values, at least to 0.1BPM. And zooming/higher resolution, so that we don’t have to use high BPMs…

at the very least some way to just render out with exact timing. The difference is absolutely miniscule after all.

would be pretty sweet if this was fixed! been having some problems as well with it. maybe tjere should be a large list of exact bpms, as i’ve heard there are some.

This issue will be solved in the next “big” update/release.

good news taktik :)


Yeah, but he spoiled the next months WIP topic a bit with it.
Though there are still details left how it will be resolved of which i hope nobody with the knowledge, supplies them.