OK, so it looks no one really cares about the arranger any more. Or maybe it has already been decided how it will look like and there’s nothing more to discuss about?
Anyway, expanding on my idea expressed few posts above, I’ve managed to make some sketches of what I have in mind
So, imagine a blank endless pattern with lets say 5 tracks:
- select a group of notes
- from the context menu choose “Create new clip”
- enter a name and (optionally) a group for the clip
- add it to the pool for later use
The ‘R’ and ‘T’ parameters denote number of rows and tracks for the clip, which means the clip can contain more than one track data.
When you have a clip in the pool, you can re-use it simply dragging it from the pool to the pattern.
Additionally, if you make any changes to the clip, all other instances of it will be updated.
Of course, there is no need to create clips - if for example you know you want to play some sample only once in the tune, you can simply put the note to play it and leave it there. Clips are there as an extra layer of information.
So, you create more clips…
…and couple more…
…and finally you end up with a complete track (well, sort of anyway)
Now, the best part. With something like this you do not really need any special arranger. Instead, you just zoom out the pattern data (CTRL+mouse wheel - Excel style!) to see how your song looks like globally. Maybe at some point of the zoom the pattern data should be replaced with WAV image or something? You then can move the clips about, add / delete them to the tune etc. In short, play around with it.
At any moment you can zoom in and go back to fiddling the hex parameters
Now, there are people who frown at any mention of arranger.
For them, there should be an option to automatically create clips containing e.g. 64 rows in all tracks. This way clip = today’s pattern. Of course, it would be possible to change the length of the clip.
In the end, zoomed-out song in an old-school approach would look like this :
Pretty familiar, eh? On the right you’d then have a pool with clip (patterns) and you’d arrange them in zoomed-out view. Both worlds combined!!!
Now, I’m not sure how the automations should be included in this. Probably, the best way would be to create another layer of clips? The effect chains would still be tied to the track, to provide backwards (and old-school) compatibility, but maybe sometime in the future there could be two levels of effect chains & automation - one for clip and one for track.
What you guys think of it?