Ok… here is a screenshot of Renoise 2.0 that I hacked from taktiks computer. :0
I have spend some time thinking of how an arranger will actually work when you compose… then how to implant it in Renoise… and finally all the problems because of backcompatibility.
Had a few discussions with Martinal about problems of this and that…
Now plz remember this is just my personal in-my-mind-dreamtracker v.0.75alpha … But I guess it has a few good useful things that can be used somehow before Renoise v6.0
Ok… couldnt help my self…added some features as Audio tracks and Freezing… other then that this should be on topic.
On top you can see 2 new tabs: Clip/Waves and Samples.
Samples is the samplepool containing a list of all samples loaded to ram in renoise (all instruments etc). This way you can reuse samples without using more memory. (Dublicate sample-instruments using the same samples),
The Clip/Waves tab is what you see now. On left is a list of clips. On right is a list of Waves.
Waves can only be used in Audio tracks. Waves are not loaded into ram… They will be streamed from harddrive when placed in Audiotracks.
You can sort/filter the lists… more about that later…
What is a clip?
Read martinal posts.
To keep backcompatibility and still be very flexible I think there must be Autoclips (automatically made clips) that will be made if you type inn something in an empty track in patternview. This clip will be very anonymous as it will be as long as the beginning to the end of the pattern it was made in. It will also get a name automatically… and a default color in the arranger.
Take a look at Clip1 on Track00 on the screenshot (dont mind the automation there) This is a Autoclip. It was made by entering a few notes at the end of pattern 00 in Track00.
I have not defined anything for that clip.
Then you have Defined Clips. Those are the clips you will take care off and arrange proper.
How do you make a Defined Clip?
Well if you define a Autoclip by giving it a name/color/resize/merge/split/move/link etc then its your baby. Thats a defined clip.
If you are the type of person that wanna arrange everything from the beginning, then you can make clips by drawing a empty clip in the arranger… give it a name/color whatever… then enter notes in it.
You can also make defined clips directly in the patterneditor by selecting a block and hit the ‘make clip key’
On upper right under the instrument list you can see the color settings.
Just select one or more clips in the arranger, then hit one of the color presets or just slide the spectrum.
The button to the the right of the colorpresets is a ‘color link button’. This button will link the color of clips in arranger to the color of the same clips inn the pattern editor.
Some ppl like a lot of colors… others hate them… and ppl like me just want them in the arranger and not in the patterneditor …
An Autoclip will get an default color that you can be define in configs… both for the autoclipcolor in arranger and another one for autoclipcolor in patterneditor (if you dont want colors in patterneditor then just turn it off (set as same color as empty tracks))
There are 3 types of clips… you have note clips, command clips and automation clips.
In this screenshot you dont see any names on automation or command clips… (you can see some automation… so there must be some automation clips there as well… I’m was just to lazy to insert them into the picture…)
Do notise that in this screenshot all clips are grouped together on the same track (merged into each other). So you can see both notedata and automation on the same bar… this is because of the ‘Clip Grouping mode’ that is set to ‘All’
In this mode you can still automate. but only one clip at a time. You choose witch one to automate from the dropdownbox under the track name (its the same list you will find in the automation window). In other clip grouping modes this will look different.
The other modes:
Martinal scetch
Linked clips:
Linked clips means that one clip is used several times in the song, and any changes done any place in the linked clips will also make changes some other place in the song.
The ‘Bassline1’ clip is a linked clip (see symbol in the upper right corner of the clip. And has of course the same color.
There are several issues with this system… especially the old patternarranger can screw things up. There is no problem whatsoever if you dont make clips bigger then the pattern,or somehow dont cross patterns with clips.
If you keep clips inside pattern boundaries then everything works like a charm, 100% the old way. Thats the reason automatic clips will be made the way they do.
If you insert the same pattern twice or more in the song, all clips in that pattern will be linked in the arranger.
So far so good.
Now take a look at the pattern/position 01 in the arranger (screenshot).
‘Bassline2’. That clip crosses patterns (its bigger then pattern 01). Copy/pasting a pattern in this case will totaly screw things up. If I copied pattern 01 to a new pattern in pattern position 03, I would only get parts of the ‘Bassline2’ clip. (the part of it will then be made into a new undefined clip, but with a similar name like ‘Bassline2_partial1’)
((Btw if you copy/paste a clip it will get the “[Name from copied]”+".1" etc i.e a unique copy of Bassline1 will get the name 'Bassline1.1 … another copy will get ‘Bassline1.2’ etc))
All in all there really is only one good solution to all this. Use the arranger to copy/paste more ‘complex’ clips… thats why you have that arranger in the first place. And dont expect to get a much chance to reuse pattern like:
You can of course do this… but all clips (notes and automation) will be linked.
So if you make only one unique move in one of the patterns in the arranger,it will be autoconverted to a new unique pattern (unlink/unique any of the clips, or just one of them).
Be sure the ‘Link’ button is activated if you wanna make changes in the arranger (like adding a empty clip will in this case insert it in three places at once) and not let the patterns convert themselves into unique pattern.
So basically using the ctrl F4/F5 in pattern editor to copy/paste patterns will not care for how you have struggled to set up defined clips in the arranger. Use with care!
Another problem is that many ppl scroll through many patterns to find the right one in patternposition. So as you can figure this can mess things up too.
Maybe some sort of ‘safe mode’ can be applied to the arranger…making it impossible to scroll/change patterns. Only inserting new ones.
If you use the arranger a lot you wont care that much about patterns at all. You will most likely only make unique patterns.Then the patterns are basically just ‘time flags’ , a marker in time that you use to navigate in the song… and of course looping (playing pattern).
You will not then use patterns to arrange your song in the same ways as before.
But all this depends very much on the user himself. Most ppl work in patterns from the beginning… and would never make any funny-sized clips. Then arranging the old way is much easier as well…
Back to the lists.
As you have figured, it can be a hell of a lot of clips if you dont arrange from the beginning, but rather let the autoclips do the job. This is easily solved by sorting the list.
If you select one clip in the Bass1 track, then the whole track is activated as well. (the background of the track slightly changes colors (not shown in screenshot).
Now if you press the ‘In Track’ filter in the clip list, then you only see clips that is used in that track.
You can use several clip filters at once.
‘In song’ filter assumes that you can take care of clips thats not even in the song. So making a backup of that awesome-bassline-you-just-made-but-that-you-just-dont-find-the-place-for-yet,
will be stored in the list.
Maybe an option to ‘preview’ clip could be made… then the clip will be opened in a temporary pattern.
The cliplist can be used directly in the patterneditor too. You can insert clips to cursor in patterneditor.
In this screenshot I have not made anything to separate noteclips from command/automation clips. I think there is room enough for making one or even two more list (one for each type of clips) And as the ‘wave’ list wont be used for a long long time I guess , then you can easily have three lists at once visible.
Another thing I have thought of is possibility to save entire ‘Instrument clips’ to/from disc.
This clip is just like a small one track song. It has one instrument, notes/automation/commands, and track settings(all track devices).
This Intrument clip you could load into a empty track in your song. This way you can easily move parts from different songs.
Or even better… copy/paste ‘on the fly’ from several songs at once… and let the instrument/samples/track settings follow the notes too.
anyways… As you can see there is an Arranger Option tab on the Lower tabline too… There you will find tons of other options like snapping … tools to draw/edit clips etc etc…
more automation options… hide all … show all automations to singel blah blah
Duplicate x times… Duplicate Linked…
Other things/ideas in the screenshot:
Zoom presets. Well… its just zoom presets If you spend time finding the zoom levels that fint you best, then save to presets.
Also ‘Apearance’ presets are at buttom of screen. Its just different ‘screen presets’ you can store. Like having the arranger opened with the clip list and ‘Edit Automation’ enabled and instruments settings shown all at once by pressing this preset.
Button to show/hide upper/lower-views (making almost all screen for arranger/patterneditor)
‘Edit Automation’: if ennabled you can edit automations You can see the dots on the automation curves. Also left/right clicking and draging etc in the arranger will vary if the automation edit is on/off.
Down to the right , beside the clock, its a textbox to rename clips. Then you can rename clips in both arranger and patterneditor even if you hide the whole screen.
Be freezing I mean rendering the track to a temporary wave that will be streamed from harddrive. This can save enormous cpu usage, and is not that slow and awkward to work with as many ppl thinks. In the sreenshot you can see ‘Freeze’ added to the devices. The little ‘F’ on the second and third device in track tells you from where in the chain it will freeze. Here it will be freezed with a reverb (second device), but you can still tweak the third and fourth etc device… (might be a few issues with senddevice and vsti/midi lfo devices, that must be solved).
A freezed file is much like an audio file. You can choose to see the wave curves (option) or still see the note clips. You can not change anything (move notes/wave) but you can copy both wave and notes from the freezed track to another track. And you can still automate devices that is not freezed in the chain.
I know… its just a dream
Time to wake up!
much more to come