
Five minutes ago, I started this track. And now it’s up for listen.
This is 100% emulation of the streaming music compo at BreakPoint 2009

If you where there and dissagree, I’m up for a discussion

BTW: back at the forums by popular demand :rolleyes:

Helloes to keith303, ptrance and gili?

glad you made it back home and to the forums that quickly :)
without a doubt the preselection was highly questionable regarding the high amount of quality tunes the jury received. that is even though a lot of other styles than the unz-unz-unz stuff, which i guess you’re relating to, made it into the compo.
i dunno i you’ve seen the results yet, if not, here they are:

your parody would certainly fit quite well to what wayfinder did. i have no problem with well-made trance tracks though… but seeing a 3rd place for this particular effort is just a shame. even more of a shame is the distance of points between the ranks 2 till 5 and the fact that it might be there due to name- or selfvoting.
throughout all the years, i still haven’t got used to that…

guess this has also been my last breakpoint and maybe also my last appearance at a demoparty.

i think your tune actually covers the sound of the PA during the democompo really well.

A promise is a promise. I’ll put an effort into be more active in the forums. There are so many.
Well. I did not intend to step on any musicians toes with the parody. It was more like a sound thing. But then again, there was allot of unz-unz-unz. All in all, I heard 4-5 tracks in the compo that would’ve gone trough my pre-selection, without hearing the ones not preselected.

The results have not gone unremarked inside the secret vaults of the goats, as one of our members won :D

I’ll do a closer listen to all the tracks with much better sound one of the next days. Right now, I’m to tired. And I have some beer to consume first (de-toxing)

There was a meeting amongst goats on the plane back home. And I think neither of us is coming back to BreakPoint next year.

But for you. I’m hoping you’ll join forces with the goats at either Solskogen 2009 or Kindergarden 2009

no, that wasn’t you - i did. :)

even if my current disappointment concerning such events may evaporate until these, i’d still have the problem of being unable to step into a plane due to flight-anxiety.

just noticed you posted in the song forum btw.
so getting back to the actual topic i wanna stress, that your emulation turned out really well for 5 mins of work ;)

Disappointing compo!

The MFX PC demo soundtrack also deserves a spanking…

Perfect emulation! Now develope this into a full track, come to the next Breakpoint and release it. :)

Nevertheless: the main music compo was indeed the worst I had to experience too (apart from the demo compos - fortunately exceptions were still pc 4k and amiga full)
The jury must have been either totally deaf or just as we discussed earlier, trying to keep the party mood high with non-stop untz untz crap. (never thought, I would say it this way).
But sacrificing the quality for something like this, is still highly questionable.
I have also still the opinion, that my tune shouldn’t have been played either (way to long intro, rushed end, messy mixdown - screaming trackscopes waves to k303)

Anyway, I’m still willing to visit demoparties since I’ve learned in the meantime - “not to expect anything cool from a music compo”.
Let’s face it: Demoparties are about demos in general. The music is just a small part of those parties, although still important when included in a demo.
And since I’ve quite some fun with contributing music to our own 4k intros, it’s still mandatory to pop up on a party once in a while.
Apart from that I’ve met, especially this year, interesting new people, found some old lads and had some good fun in general.

So, I don’t see a reason “for me atleast”, not to continue the fun.

i totally agree with both ptrance and garf. the music compo was way dissapointing. except for a few entries. but 1/3rd of a compo is not enough to make good compo.
knowing that both k303 and ptrance was dissapointed about the entries even tho their entries was selected is a relief. cause if not, it would just seem like those who did’nt get selected was just complaining because of that.

i would disagree with importance of the music compo. seeing the amount of ppl sitting or standing around the main stage to follow “what they have wipped up this year”. i can’t disagree that the demo part is more appealing to most. but, what are demos without music (you had two of those in the pc demo compo, and see how they ended up in the ranking).

i wont stop attending demo parties. but in my case, i’ll probably stick with the smaller parties. i’m mostly there to drink beer and meet up with ppl who shares the same interest. i met allot of those at breakpoint, and that was great. hope to meet you all again someday. it’s legal to visit norway too you know :)

keith: there is something called trains, boats and cars :)

if you guys decide to visit one of the parties in norway this year. me and hansee lives close to torp airport (flights from hahn) and larvik harbour (boat from kiel), and would pick you up in a snap
offer stands for any renoise scener/non-scener from my side…

i guess this topic is off track now. but ptrance. the track will not develope anymore. i guarantee

A musician can be much more productive than the rest of the group. Solely making music for demos is not an option

Nice emulation, Sinatra. Please don’t complete it ;)

Cheers to ptrance & k303. Nice to meet you and congrats with getting picked out by the jury. Now it’s time for y’all to visit a demoparty in Norway! :)

well done sinatra… :) and i second the stuff about the pre-selection… allthough you have to remember it is a tough job to select these tunes. my impression was that only one dude did the jury duty, so obviously he will tend to favor those tunes matching his own personal taste. i was disappointed hansee and sintras tunes did not make it as they are excellent pieces of music… and i am almost relieved mine did not (it is LOL bad).

anyhow… awesome to meet some of the guys from the renoise forums… i think at one point we were 5 or 6 renoise users sitting around a table at one time… that was cool!! (sinatra, hansee, k303, ptrance, gilli, xtr1m?)… i am not sure if xtr1m is a renoise user (i barely remember my own name; how the hell am i supposed to remember THAT?)


Kaneel: I can’t say I remember the Demo. But I know I voted for it :)

For everyone who couldn’t attend the concert of xerxes, Romeo Knight and Bendik - both, the video and a compiled live album are available now. :walkman: