it’s good to hear someone doing something other than the standard fare with renoise. i don’t know the original song so i can’t appreciate it in that way, but this is good hard grungey stuff.
This isn’t the original .mod from the game but it’s a fairly accurate recreation, and it’s all I could track down on short notice. Gives you a good idea of the original tune anyway.
interesting… why the hell does this sound SO familiar to me!? i mean i am almost positive i have never heard it before… but there must have been a pop song or something maybe 10 years ago that used some ideas from this? it sounded vaguely familiar when i listened to basil’s version too
Nah you were right, Richard Joseph is the guy, but I seem to remember reading that the original game music was written in a weird custom format that wasn’t very compatible, so he recreated the tune later. Maybe I’m just imagining it, but the .mod I found online sounds slightly different to my memories from the game.
I’m gonna try and track down the game for an emulator and grab the music
Ok, I loaded up Steem and grabbed the audio from the Atari ST version of the game. Here’s an mp3 of it - complete with authentic sounding nasty lofi quantised sample quality! Ahhh, the good old days
You can hear the subtle differences between this version and the other .mod that’s available. A few notes are changed, some of the samples are slightly different versions, and things like the volume envelope of the main saxaphone type sound is a bit different too, it cuts off a little earlier giving it a tighter sound which I prefer.