Bug With Un-Collapsing Group Tracks

EDIT: Confirmed as fixed in renoise 3.3


1] Group a track

before collapse

2] Collapse your group

before collapse 2

3] Run snippet and watch a strange thing happen. From the snippet you would expect to end up back at the top picture, but Group 3 has become like a normal sequencer track in appearance. Clicking the triangle on group 3 does fix things again though.

after collapse

testpad snippet

local song = renoise.song()

--loop backwards through tracks   
for track = #song.tracks,1,-1 do
  song:track(track).collapsed = false

1 Like

Will be fixed. Thanks for reporting.

Groups got a separate collapse property as well, which you probably also want to reset, via:

local song = renoise.song()

-- uncollapse all groups first
for i = #song.tracks,1,-1 do
  local track = song:track(i)
  if (track.type == renoise.Track.TRACK_TYPE_GROUP) then
    track.group_collapsed = false

-- then uncollapse all group members or tracks without a group
for i = #song.tracks,1,-1 do
  song:track(i).collapsed = false

This will also workaround the reported problem.

Was unaware of that, thanks for the tip/workaround.

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