I have been trying to build a simple function to be able to permute the content of two adjoining phrases.
I have built this function to see if the miracle occurs. But it does not work:
local function phm_swap_phrase_down()
local idx=song.selected_phrase_index
local ssi=song.selected_instrument
if (idx<#ssi.phrases) then
local current_phrase=ssi:phrase(idx)
local next_phrase=ssi:phrase(idx+1)
next_phrase,current_phrase=current_phrase,next_phrase --NOT WORK!
This kind of permutation only works with simple information (variables), such as swapping a string or numbers (A=B and B=A).
– Copy contents from another phrase.
renoise.song().instruments.phrases:copy_from(other renoise.InstrumentPhrase object)
This serves to copy the content of a phrase into another phrase.
If there was a simple way to store everything in a temporary clipboard, maybe it could be solved.
I think the only way to make it “correct” is to create a table and put all the properties there, in addition to the whole pattern of the phrase. But that is too much “loose” data.
Another way to do this is to use the last phrase (with the last index<126 and empty) of clipboard, but it is a trick not highly recommended.
It would be to add the last phrase, copy the current phrase to be exchanged there, copy the next phrase in the current phrase and then the last phrase in the next phrase and finally delete the last phrase. This would only work with phrases with index <126. It is not an ideal solution.
Ideally to put all the data from a phrase in a “container”, and that the container can be = to another phrase.