What “accusatory content” was that? That I dared to ask somebody if they were American, because all over the internet (you probably haven’t noticed, but I’m “too thick” apparently and have noticed) Americans are writing ‘then’ instead of ‘than’, and ‘that’ instead of ‘than’, and it’s very irritating, as the more people do it, the more people read it and start repeating it.
Like I said - this thread has descended into what the ‘pattern matrix worshippers’ wanted - anything BUT a discussion of the merits of Buzz’s Sequence Editor vs. Renoise’s pattern matrix. Just go right back to the start of the thread and read the responses - so many paranoid, defensive, “I’m not going to show why the pattern matrix can do the same as Buzz can, shan’t, won’t”, etc.
If you were able to edit a Renoise song as easily with the pattern matrix as I did in my video, you would post up examples of you doing so. Obviously you can’t, and obviously the pattern matrix is unnecessarily complicated and difficult to use. But rather than just admit this and try to improve things (what a terrible idea), you do anything but discuss it. Words fail me.
You might want to start a new thread about ‘people asking other people if they’re Americans’ and you can debate the ‘terribleness’ of it to your heart’s content - I don’t think most people are that interested.
No wonder we are stuck with the pattern matrix - look at the other thread in the ideas/suggestions sections, about an arranger - loads of people wanted a Buzz style sequence editor, but nothing came of it - the pattern matrix worshippers somehow won out. I’d love to see the reasoning behind implementing it, and how it was designed, and why. How could anybody use Buzz’s sequence editor and then go on to design the pattern matrix, which is so much harder to use?
Don’t tell me, it ISN’T harder to use, it’s wonderful, it’s easy, but you can’t show me a video of you making a song with it that shows this…