Buzz Unwieldytracker Vs Renoise

I’m taking a look at this drum edit done in UnwieldyTracker found here Drumrolls Like Flashbulb along with a list of commands for it and trying to translate the commands to Renoise.

but looks like UnwieldyTracker is more complex than renoise (not sure). Am I correct? we don’t have stuff like “09 - probability” do we?

Check the list:

I’m thinking that my approach will be do things on buzz just to see what they are doing and then try them on renoise.

hey “guest” (sorry you don’t have a better name)

You might be the author of that edit posted in that Flasbulb thread (which is quite impressive really) or maybe you’re just an UTracker user. So I was thinking if you could walk us n00bs into this buzz commands field. Could you explain what’s going on here?

All these questions are regarding the first line in this portion of the edit:

c-4 and 0c are the note and the instrument, right?

what’s the first 40?

what’s a000? Is this sample offset?

what is “a3”?

what’s “8000”?

is “01” the command “Multiply Vel by xxyy on retrig”?

what’s b000?

Thanks in advance.


retrig is getting old :P its exploited more and more in different songs and its getting boring. :)

it would be cool if buzz didnt crash everytime i touched it!!

i take it UnwieldyTracker is a buzz machine?

i see some things in that list that would be fun to play with, i think renoise could benefit from the inclusion of some of those commands.

i personally wouldnt want probability in there tho. only because, if your going to make music that leans on probability of chance.
why in the hell would you use a tracker?
tracking in that respect is certainly not* the way to go.
i mean for real, you couldnt even do a markov chain! :D or can you?!?! :blink:

^^^^ sorry. that was me.

Thanks for the info mate. That helps a lot. I might take a look at Utracker at buzz website, but all the crashing is really a turn off.


will do. thanks

AVB did it work?

hmm this really should be in off topic, kinda feel bad adding to this thread right in the middle of renoise land!

Don’t ask what the tracker can do but what YOU can do with it…

the feature itself doesn’t matter in my mind, It’s a tool not a goal. Most of people are proud of the impressive list of features of their software, or hoover or coffe machine whereas they often use 2 of them…

sorry for the poor english