Renoise has had a REAL (wooooooowwbbmega) faceuplift, with the implementation of Re-Wire…
Thank you for that - now it is time to get to some serious tracking!! I’m sure you will score 10/10 in each magazine and the userbase of Renoise will - literally - blow up and grow and multiply itself quite fast.
Ther is one thing though, that seems to have been with the Renoise for many versions, and that is a significant “lagging” or “jamming” of the browsing environment, when changing for example from the view of pattern editor, into sample editor, or vice versa, or from sample editor, to disk browser.
I was wondering, if this is something I could get rid of by adjusting some settings somewhere, since it’s a bit of a workflow jammer - not bad, but it still is like some 50ms or so, or sometimes over a second or two, as it takes a little time for Renoise to switch the view, for some reason on my computer.
My question is, are others experiencing this, and is there an easy way to fix this?
Sorry if this has already been adressed, but did not wish to put this into the Bugs section, before knowing wheter there is a way to fix this via some settings.
…all the best vibes for the developers, and thank for the magnificient update…
I thin this happens to everyone. Regarding the slowness of the disk borwser, I think that kkeping directory not too big should help, while with the sample editor I can’t help
It may probably relate to the sample size… the larger the samples, the longer it takes Renoise to draw the shape belonging to it.
Also if you do processing like cut and paste with undo turned on in the sample editor, these processing steps are also stored to disk and take some more time than you would like.
Getting a very fast SATA disk configuration and keep it well unfragmented could save you most of these troubles.
seems like after boot, the first few times you switch tabs feel sluggish, than afterwards it is just fine, like it had to load some things in a buffer(?)
Also like said here before, having few files present in the diskop windows significantly speeds up switching between diskop and other tabs. I wouldn’t mind an option to prevent Renoise from reading the sample & instrument contents of every Renoise song present in the diskop window, just have it read the names.
Thats not the problem - aka, thats how we already do this. Quering the directory tree from the OS and the current directories fiels is what takes a while when accessed the first time. The less folders you’ve visible, the faster this will be.
The only real annoying thing is, that switching from for example “instruments” to “song”, it will also switch directories. We could simply avoid that by using one folder/dir tree for all categories. If you want to switch the dires, you’ve got to use the fav buttons…
If you would cache the favorites and only rescan the changed files (new / modified filedate) to update the caches, you may be able to tackle down this problem as well.
I think when you first scan for any directory, the data would be cached and the next time you change the view, the data would be read from the cache. A refresh button would be handy if you know you’ve added some files in some directory. This would solve the “missing files” when you read the directories from cache. Caching stuff doesn’t even take that much memory, so it’ll be fast and not memory consuming. This way you’ll experience the lag only the first time you enter some directory or press “refresh” button.
If the refresh is based solely upon comparing file-changes in the folder (have files been added / changed?) the lag does not even has to be as big as when the cache had been made up from scratch. Then only the few new changes are added or modified within the cache.