My most basic case… I want to design a few different volume envelopes for a single sample, and switch between them. There are two ways I can figure out how to do this, both of which have downsides that I don’t particularly like:
Assign the envelope enable/bypass to a macro, and automate that. This costs me one macro per envelope, plus I have to toggle them all at the same time…
Draw multiple sections in a single envelope, and use 0Exx to choose which section to play. It’s hard to add new envelope sections after doing this, because the offset value changes.
What I would really like to do is dynamically select a mod set whenever I play a note. I_think_ danoise has come up with something tricky like this, but I can’t find it…
Also, my samples are sort of long, so if I could do this without duplicating samples that would be awesome.
nice question…right now im only thinking in a …weird way…if you think of a signal follower+hydra+ diff gainer devices…as a form of volume controll…which i kinda think they are…
you can load a trigger signal…with a constant volume…a …and use it…to shape the volume of your samples…yeah its kinda tedious cause you have to still automate some parameters…as some of the points you describe it…but unless …youre willing to duplicate samples…cant see a better way…
What I would really like to do is dynamically select a mod set whenever I play a note. I_think_ danoise has come up with something tricky like this, but I can’t find it…
Switching mod-sets on the fly for a sample can’t really be done. Not without scripting, and that wouldn’t be very pretty anyway.
What I would really like to do is dynamically select a mod set whenever I play a note.
You will need to duplicate the sample to achieve this. But then, it’s a just matter of setting up a stepper device on the volume of each one, and let it alternate between min and max volume.
Here’s a quick example where each note appears to plays a different sample:
You will need to duplicate the sample to achieve this. But then, it’s a just matter of setting up a stepper device on the volume of each one, and let it alternate between min and max volume.
Cool yeah I was messing with the stepper… the thing I failed to mention in the post is that I want to choose which envelope will play. I tried connecting a macro knob to the reset, but that seems to just reset the step to 0 and doesn’t let me pick a specific step. Is there any way to actually set the value of the reset with a macro knob? Or is something like the formula device available in the modulation set, maybe hidden somewhere?
that seems to just reset the step to 0 and doesn’t let me pick a specific step
It does - but as with some parameters in the modulation, it doesn’t affect the currently playing voices. So if you assign the macro to the stepper device(s) and then automate it, any tune you play will be affected while still progressing through notes as they are triggered…Argh, a bit hard to explain - but try it out?
Also, regarding duplicating long samples - I just realized that the “sliced sample with all slice markers set to beginning” trick would in fact allow separate mod-chains without bloating the size of your instrument.
It does - but as with some parameters in the modulation, it doesn’t affect the currently playing voices. So if you assign the macro to the stepper device(s) and then automate it, any tune you play will be affected while still progressing through notes as they are triggered…Argh, a bit hard to explain - but try it out?
I’m not really following here. Say I’ve got three versions of the sample, all with three different mod sets. How do I use the Stepper to select mod set 2, then 1, then 3? I don’t want it just to cycle… I want to control which one gets played.
Also, regarding duplicating long samples - I just realized that the “sliced sample with all slice markers set to beginning” trick would in fact allow separate mod-chains without bloating the size of your instrument.
This sounded promising but I’m not sure how to implement it. If I create multiple slices at the beginning, the first slices are empty and the last one has the entire sample. Is there some slice option I’m not aware of? Also they’re automatically mapped to a single key. If there were a way to “duplicate” the same sample via multiple slices and have them all extend across the entire key and velocity range that would be really cool…
Ah I found out how to create multiple slices from the beginning. In the slice markers documentation it says “If enabled, a triggered slice will stop playing at start of the next slice. Can only be changed while the original sample is selected.”
Which… holy moly that’s a game changer. All this time I thought if I wanted to get the sample to keep playing I had to use a phrase, and use phrase offsets!
Still gotta figure out mapping across the keyboard (I think it might be doable with phrases somehow) but that one little option is awesome for breaks…
edit: okay, a way to do it is to make one phrase for each sample. Enable the sample column. Set the first line of the phrase to C-4, and set it to not loop. Duplicate once for each slice and change the sample index. Then you can play any note in the pattern editor, and use Zxx to select which slice plays. Each slice can have its own mod set and FX chain…