Can I trigger 1 out of 3 different phrases at random

I would like to have Renoise pick 1 out of 3 phrases at random - always playing a phrase.
Could I also have phrase 1 play 60% of the time and phrases 2 and 3 play at 20% of the time each?

Specify Y60 as the local FX for the phrase 1 instrument in the same track, Y20 as the local FX for the phrase 2 instrument and phrase 3 instrument, and Y00 for the global FX.

How can I set an entire phrase to a certain probability? Within the phrase I can only set probability per note / line.
What do you mean by local and global? local == phrase and global == track?

You can put Y2 or Y4 in the volume column.
Please check the manual.

thanks - will check the manual.

you can automate/modulate phrase program on an “instr macros” device. use frozen random lfo which resets by a keytracker each time a note plays (each time you trigger the phrase). Use hydra to specify the range of phrases to be triggered

randomphrase.xrns (8.5 KB)

you can change the probabilities by using another lfo

here, for example phrase 03 will play approximately 50% of the time and phrases 01 and 02 25% each
randomphrasemapping.xrns (8.6 KB)

@eriq I thought it would be easy with Yx commands, etc., but that was not the case. Sorry.
@Lneheb I see. So it can be achieved in the following 4 steps. Thanks.

  1. *Instr. Macros device has a parameter to specify its Phrase number
  2. The *Hydra device’s input value can specify a change in its Phrase number
  3. *LFO (2) device LFO waveforms can be designed to create values for arbitrary probability distributions by shaping random input values
  4. Generate random seed values with the *LFO device

Glad to see other renoise users on to this technique! Warms my little cybernetic heart :space_invader::purple_heart:
Weighted probabilities are fun and powerful stuff

looked into it - what a hack - works great! How many years of experience do you have with Renoise?

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almost 3 years

and when you use the technique with a lfo on the instr. macro changing phrase, you can different samples on each phrase

Yes, I like generative music and this provides lots of options.

Did you see my videos on generative techniques in renoise?

Might be all old hat, but there are a number of techniques in these


Yes, I’ve seen all of them great, inspiring content! Thanks for making and sharing!
I think I remember also seeing a life on stage video from you with Renoise. How to you play live - just a notebook with QWERTY keyboard, or do you have any controllers?

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