i just got redux to do tracker in studio one.
it only loads up in renoise
what vst is redux, if its 3.0, then i dont know
it doest not load in studio one 2.5+, and now i cannot do tracker for drums there.
so i screwed…
please make it work…
else i have to upgrade studio one and hopee, upgrades are killed my sound studio, and i will never do it again.
how can i get renoise/redux to work in studio one 2.5+ ?
you have to fix something, i hope you willl, because im so sad now…
its all for nothing, and it kills my sound studio completely…
i have no clue, it shoudl work, you redux is not compatible…
im so sad, and i hope you fix.
im tired of this… if it can work, i never upgrade anything anymore.
those upgrades kill the studio, and my must gets fucked… i have tunes that are dead
because of all this, i have 100+ tunes that i cannot do anymore, they just rot away
i have no more to say, in very sad, and redux fails me now.
its not ok
find it out… or i can forget it all…
im burned out from problems with plugs, that cant load in DAW hosts…
it shalll be fixed, i hope
you are my last hope
please help! now
thanks for read.
i cant say anymore,… im sad
http://bandcamp.com/sidwave - listen this… its good, and now its all over… unless you fix this plug
arhhh im dead now if you cant do it.
help us!
i installed it correct, and it works in renoise 3
now what ?
thats not why i got it…
ok ?
it works, but not in studio one…
end of report
500 kroner wasted… argh
im dead unless you can fix. im worn down
my music,
Spotify: sidwave
iTunes: sidwave
Amazon music: sidwave
sorry for wrong link before. listen the bandcamp… and please cure redux
go bandcamp, listen the first album, and clairvoyance… all studio one and renoise stuff in harmony. now broken…
clairvoyance in studio one, and renoise tunes
technowwaves, renoise
studio one 2.5