Can't Get My Finger Behind This Puzzle....

behold the source…

 fill_table = {}  
 string.split = function(str, pattern)  
 pattern = pattern or "[^%s]+"  
 if pattern:len() == 0 then pattern = "[^%s]+" end  
 local parts = {__index = table.insert}  
 setmetatable(parts, parts)  
 str:gsub(pattern, parts)  
 setmetatable(parts, nil)  
 parts.__index = nil  
 return parts  
 local first_string = "0,12,7,4,12,7,4,3,4,7"  
 local first_string = "0,4,8,12,16,18,24,32,34,36,40,42,44,48,50,52,54"  
 local second_string = "0,4,8,12,16,18,24,32,34,36,40,42,44,48,50,52"  
 local first_value_table = first_string:split( "[^,%s]+" )  
 local second_value_table = second_string:split( "[^,%s]+" )  
 local end_figure = #first_value_table  
 local leading_table = 1 --Notes  
 local sub_position = 1  
 local offset = 0  
 for t = 0, 80 do  
 fill_table[t] = 999  
 if #first_value_table < #second_value_table then  
 end_figure = #second_value_table  
 leading_table = 2  
 for t = 0, end_figure-1 do  
 if leading_table == 1 then  
 fill_table[second_value_table[sub_position]+offset] = first_value_table[t+1]  
 print('position ',second_value_table[sub_position]+offset,  
 ' contains value:',fill_table[second_value_table[sub_position]+offset])  
 sub_position = sub_position + 1  
 if sub_position > #second_value_table then  
 offset = offset + tonumber(second_value_table[sub_position-1])  
 if tonumber(second_value_table[1]) > 0 then  
 sub_position = 1  
 sub_position = 2  
 fill_table[second_value_table[t+1]] = first_value_table[sub_position]  
 -- print(second_value_table[t+1],fill_table[second_value_table[t+1]])  
 sub_position = sub_position + 1  
 if sub_position > #first_value_table then  
 sub_position = 1  
 print('position ',second_value_table[t+1],' contains value:',fill_table[second_value_table[t+1]])  
 print('value on position 0:',fill_table[0])  
 print('value on position 4:',fill_table[4])  
 print('value on position 8:',fill_table[8])  

there are two definitions of first_string.
This is the result after execution with the larger of the two defined:

position 0 contains value: 0  
position 4 contains value: 4  
position 8 contains value: 8  
position 12 contains value: 12  
position 16 contains value: 16  
position 18 contains value: 18  
position 24 contains value: 24  
position 32 contains value: 32  
position 34 contains value: 34  
position 36 contains value: 36  
position 40 contains value: 40  
position 42 contains value: 42  
position 44 contains value: 44  
position 48 contains value: 48  
position 50 contains value: 50  
position 52 contains value: 52  
position 56 contains value: 54  
bound: 80  
value on position 0: 0  
value on position 4: 4  
value on position 8: 8  
value on position 1: 999  
value on position 5: 999  
value on position 9: 999  

This is the result with the secondary definition commented out:

position 0 contains value: 0  
position 4 contains value: 12  
position 8 contains value: 7  
position 12 contains value: 4  
position 16 contains value: 12  
position 18 contains value: 7  
position 24 contains value: 4  
position 32 contains value: 3  
position 34 contains value: 4  
position 36 contains value: 7  
position 40 contains value: 0  
position 42 contains value: 12  
position 44 contains value: 7  
position 48 contains value: 4  
position 50 contains value: 12  
position 52 contains value: 7  
bound: 80  
value on position 0: 999  
value on position 4: 999  
value on position 8: 999  
value on position 1: 999  
value on position 5: 999  
value on position 9: 999  

fill_table (being defined globally) is somehow being restored to its former address after it has been populated when the if condition was not met. But you can see clearly that the values get populated inside the for…do construction, yet as soon as i want to fetch these values outside this function, they are all gone.
The table is not redefined locally anywhere so that is the reason why i don’t understand it keeps the values outside the for-loop if the condition is met but not when the condition is not met.

I’m quite baffled here (But i hope i’m also quite blind or too tired to see something)

I figured it out…
Lua can get sometimes pretty complicated when it is making its own decisions…
The trapdoor lies in a tiny aspect that makes Lua behave in two different ways:

This works:
fill_table[second_value_table[sub_position]+offset] = first_value_table[t+1]

This doesn’t
fill_table[second_value_table[t+1]] = first_value_table[sub_position]

The most important aspect is that second_value_table, is a string defined table.
But when you do a calculation with a number or number defined variable on a string, Lua automatically converts the output to a number.
A pitfall which is not easy to detect if you get good results in one of the cases and not in the other.

The correct solution:
fill_table[tonumber(second_value_table[sub_position])+offset] = first_value_table[t+1]
fill_table[tonumber(second_value_table[t+1])] = first_value_table[sub_position]