Can't get out of maximized window (OSX)

Window functions seem to be somewhat broken or at least don’t work like other applications on OSX.
I dragged the Renoise window from the notebook screen to my large monitor but could not resize it with double klick on the title bar or pulling the edges (weird). So I maximized it. Now there is no way to un-maximize it (weird again). There is no green button, etc. How can I un-maximize it but still use the full screen real-estate?

have you tried moving your mouse to right at the top of the screen, so that the trafficlight buttons are displayed? (i.e. red yellow green buttons on macOS)?

The interesting part is, that they are not displayed. No red, yellow and green buttons!
Now I can not only un-maximize it, but I can also not move it to another screen. It is locked.

okay, try this.
trigger Mission Control (on regular mac it’ll be F3) and then drag it from the top (fullscreen “strip”) towards the regular app windows.

that should let you force it to not be fullscreen

There is no strip or regular app window (after F3). I have the running / floading apps and desktop at the top. The only thing I can change is move Renoise up to the desktop. If I do, renoise captures the desktop in maximize mode, so that I can have nothing else on the desktop without (frozen) Renoise. The only way I could escape this trap is by closing renoise. Some strage behaviour is in effect here. 8)

so, can you take a screenshot of what happens when you launch the app called MissionControl?

and this, for sure, is not there and does nothing?

ohh stupid me! Sorry for wasting your time and thank you! It’s just that the traffic lights were gone, which I don’t know from other maximized apps.

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glad to hear it was solvable!

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