Sadly, my audio interface does not support 16-bit/44.1k mode; closest it comes to it is 24-Bit 48k. : /
Should i go back to my regular soundcard which does 44.1 16 bit if i’m interested in burning to CDA?
Are there any best practices for using native Renoise tools to output 16-bit 44.1k here?
If not are there any best practices for using ‘Dithering limiters’ in Renoise?
As long as you have -0.1 dBTP in the master channel (for CD) the difference between the 48khz/24bit output and a 44khz/16bit conversion will be pretty much inaudible. Renoise handles the dithering while rendering in bit depths under 24-bit.
You can also use a master limiter with dithering, such as DMGAudio Limitless (my personal favorite).
If you plan to release in both CD and streaming services, you can use -0.1 dBTP and -1.0 dBTP (for mp3), respectivelly.
In short, there’s no need to ‘go back’.
Also, can’t you select any of these options in the ‘Render To Disk’ window? Or they just don’t show up in your new interface?
Btw, I highly recommend checking Michael White’s (mixingwithmike) approach to CD mastering. He has some pretty good and affordable courses on mastering, and has been working with CDs for over three decades.
I’m not afilliated with him, just thought it could be useful for you in the long term, as it was for me!
Yeah, I did not have ‘Dithering’ Enabled there; it’s good to know that does a good enough job for this.
And… even though 44.1k is not selectable in the ‘Driver properties in control panel’, I can force it to 44.1k
using the ‘Audio preference within Renoise’.