CDP Wish: A set of CDP functions that 'just work'

This is great, now we’ve got that bitrot/transmission low-fidelity Youtube-MP3 noise. Whoopee!!!
Thank you @Jonas :slight_smile:

I see, OK thanks. I think there may be something wrong with the files compiled to Linux. If anyone running Linux can confirm if blur drunk works either in Renoise, or if pvoc anal works in the command line, let me know.

Weird , I’ve got the latest versions of cdp and Soundshaper and some of those processes you’re displaying are not available ( bounce , specfnu etc…)
Renoise is pointing at the exact same folder that houses the exe’s

I reinstalled the tool , assigned the new destination folder but still the old processes are shown ???

@gentleclockdivider On a separate post, there is a new ‘definitions.lua’ file that needs to be installed (replaced) in the Tool’s folder -

Also, on my Mac, a hard-reset of the computer worked for me.