Cells! Preview

Just updated the first post in this thread this morning with the latest features list and a screenshot of the latest beta version.

Cells! is going into feature freeze now so any additional feature requests will have to wait until a major update version.

I can wait :w00t:

MXB you rock

New video of Beta 4.1 thanks to Void Pointer!


This video also shows some of the new features (e.g. the loop position indicators (under stop cell) and one-shot samples (cyan)) and also some of the older features not in the first video (changing instruments on a track in realtime)

Many thanks to Void Pointer for the video! (much better than mine)

cool looking good! Am I right that the triggering of loops with this tool isn’t/can’t be recorded into the pattern editor? Can’t see it in th enew youtube.

The triggering of loops is still being recorded in the pattern editor.

Thanks mxb for this great tool!

This tool alone is worth thousands of loud and noisy applause… :D

seriously, i don’t think i will lose my time installing Live when we feature things like these !

would there be something like “cell view” (mixer view, pattern view)? Cells in hoovering window is making other renoise parts bit obscure. Or it owuldn’t be possible cause of lack of api?

Like this?

The tool currently works on an endless repeating pattern. For a future version I’m planning on adding ‘rolling timeline’ mode where it just keeps adding patterns and extending the pattern sequence as required. This would have the affect of recording your performance. This will not make it for a version 1.0 release.

There is no possibility of adding a main Renoise ‘frame’ with the API, however the ‘shade’ button in the header hides all the cells and below (faders, crossfader etc.). This is to give more room on the screen for working with Renoise while it’s running.

cool, would be great if all midi-mapped toggles & tweaks could be recorded in the automation too.

excite! thanks for being a ninja mxb :]

That should work already, if you have this button activated:

I suppose it doesn’t work with “on/off” buttons for DSPs, but that’s a Renoise issue. DSP (de-)activation is registered on the effect column though.

can wait to eat this awesome tool…
nice work bro…

query: are these written to automation only if an automation row is selected (=enabled)?

Well, I have some very good news!

I’ve just tried Cells! Beta 4.1 on a fresh install of Renoise on my netbook (intel atom, 512mb ram, built in soundcard) and I can play a lot of tracks at the same time. This was with a song comprising of about 60mb of prepared loops. I went up to 12 tracks (2 more than can fit on the screen) and CPU load went up to about 25% and the GUI was very very responsive.

As I could only get up to 6 on my desktop with a proper audio interface I think I may have GUI issues on my machine Yay, fixed.

Anyway, just thought I’d let people know that netbook ‘DJing’ is definately a possibility.

No it will not. I explicitly turn off edit mode so nothing it recorded to the pattern else it changes again when the pattern loops. There are plans for the recording of performances, don’t worry.

Great, great, great ! :w00t:

By the way, it stills a little “abstract” for me since I never used ableton before…But you’re speaking of “djing” (I’m digital djing with MIXXX), and I understand that Cells is a live performance tool : do you think jog wheels controls can fit your application for any kind of use ?

In my “live” setup, I’ve got these devices :

I can see how I can use most of the buttons, faders and knobs, and even the crossfader since your app supports it, but I don’t know how could I use the jog wheels (and even if it’s possible). Maybe it could be used for fast browsing, or effects ? I don’t know (since I never tried that kind of tool…I know how is working MIXXX, traktor, etc…But I don’t know how is working other softwares.


You are correct in that everything is already syncronised to the tempo, thus there is no need for nudging the speed up/down to get different cells in time. There is a global tempo nudge up/down to mix from Cells! into / out of other sources, so this may be an option.

I’ve had a quick look through the KDJ-500 manual and all the controls (including the jog dials) send midi messages. It should be possible to set them to sensible controls in the midi mapping. However, without a unit in front of me I cannot be certain. You will have to experiment and find a setup that works for you specifically.

In other news, last nights updates were:

  • Implemented user parameters and associated GUI dialogs.
  • Number of tracks is now a user parameters (6 to 16 tracks; default of 8)
  • Number of cells per track is now a user parameter (6 to 16 cells per track; default of 8)
  • Equal distribution of ‘A’ and ‘B’ tracks (left half get set to ‘A’, right half to ‘B’)

Ok, thank you for the answer. I think I’ll have to learn how to map the jogh wheels “by hand”, because in the past (on MIXXX software) I encountered difficulties to map it with automatic learning feature, because of the specific way they work (they are diferent than “simple” knobs). If anyone has clue on that, by the way…

Can’t wait to test your app. I really appreciate your work (and other people creating plugins/apps for renoise also, of course). That it’s something wich pushed me to buy Renoise.

Public beta has been released.

Read/download here


i’ve got a octatrack wich is a bit like an ableton in hardware and there is a nice feature with the crossfader that could perhaps make cells even better than ableton: it’s the scene function

the idea is that you can assign any parameter to a side of the crossfader (effets, sampler anything) and the crossfader will interpolate between each side

so for example you could have a bass kill on the left that will morph to repeater and beatreducer and the right

of course you have a lot of scene (16 in fact). i dunno if it’s possible in renoise : just food for though