How hard would it be to have chains highlighted in the dsp area and mixer?
I just finally found that little DSP Chain option>>load with options>>Replace Existing Chain “disable”.
This was after having written a lengthy post last night about adding dsp chains>>program included and user chains to the dsp list next to the DSP track area. I decided not to post it because I went looking for something I didn’t know about, and much to my surprise, found it!
So, while I was expanding on that in the post, a part of that post dealt with this:
chain highlighting.
Similar in respect to the matrix coloring scheme, an encapsulation.
Adding chains “without deleting” to a track would result in the chains being added, but also with an encompassing color such as a 1 pixel width rectangle surrounding the chain to be more readily discernible from other chains.
In both the track DSP area and the mixer.
The root idea is to simplify the view of very lengthy chains,
and be able to quickly manipulate them within the track as a unit, such as adding, removing, moving and minimizing.
Yeah, I think that’s a great idea. Imagine putting an cab simulator, a chorus and a reverb into one unit, just forwarding the important parameters to the new unit (like, distortion, chorus wet, reverb wet) and you’d have your very own and simple to use guitar amp simulator.
I mean, it’s possible already, but having it in a single DSP block, that’d be super neat.
Ultimately, this would be the precursor to what you wrote.
Kind of getting it ready “in a sense”, for when a solution for the effects command dsp addressing limit issue comes.
Interesting what you wrote about “Important parameters”,
that in itself could be a solution to the reasoning behind joining dsp devices.
Good Stuff!
We have that effects command limit,
but it’s not so much a limit if only important parameters were shown (user chosen) in a possible chaining device.
Which the chain device itself would pretty much just be an encapsulation, with some functions
I admit that thread gets quite complicated, plus also side-tracked in place, but as you’re a new poster was just trying to make sure you were aware of the previous, related discussion. Something I have been trying to push for a bit when appropriate