change a whole tracks instrument - tool?


I believe there must be a tool for this buti havent found it, or maybe there’s a way to do it directly in Renoise. I should have checked this out years ago and should maybe even post it in the beginners forum but since i’ve been using Renoise for 10 years i guess its ok… :slight_smile:

So, the question: if i have a track with say a bassline, i make a new track and copy all the old tracks bassline notes to the new track. Then i want to change the new tracks notes to a different instrument(well, in the end i want to have TWO basses playing the same notes but one is highpassed and some modifications on the sound in the instrument, but only this one. How do i do this easiest?? Should mention i’m talking about VST instruments here, and TWO different instruments…


If I understand correctly sir, after you’ve duplicated your track, would the Advanced Edit options Track in Song/Pattern and Remap be your friends here?

[Edit: No trouble sir, your question was fine, I was just a little uncertain as you have used Renoise for 10 years, I thought you might have wanted something more tricky :)]

Thats it!! Thanks for that and sorry for the sort of unclear question! :drummer:

If I understand correctly sir, after you’ve duplicated your track, would the Advanced Edit options Track in Song/Pattern and Remap be your friends here?

[Edit: No trouble sir, your question was fine, I was just a little uncertain as you have used Renoise for 10 years, I thought you might have wanted something more tricky :)]

Haha, yes thats totally correct! After 10 years i should have known about the advanced edit! I sort of did but never really use it… Anyway, thanks for the reply!

For some tool helpers if doing this regulalrly: