Change drag and drop behavior for samples

Its currently not possible to drag and drop samples from file browser to an open VSTi. Its even not possible to drag them out of Renoise. Would be nice to have this.
I currently need to use the “Reveal file” function to get it selected in the Explorer, so i can drag them onto the VSTi.


Being able to drag and drop samples from the Disk Browser to a VST window is one of my most wanted features. (for plugins like Audio Damage Quanta and such)
This would really speed up the workflow since one is already able to preview samples in the Disk Browser.

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Not sure if this is what you meant but I think it would be awesome if you could drag and drop the samples loaded in renoise and/or instruments into VSTs.

This would be a useful feature, since a lot of plugins (like Quanta), don’t have a decent sample browser.

Perhaps the limitation is in the VSTi itself. In some part of it must indicate if the plugin accepts the loading of samples or not so that later Renoise can benefit.

I don’t have much of a clue about this. Have you seen this feature in another DAW?

Bitwig and FL support this. You can drag samples from browser onto vst instruments.

As far as i know, Renoise’s internal drag and drop is different. It seems it doesn’t use OS level drag and drop, because you cant even drop out samples from browser to desktop.

It’s not the plugin. I can drag and drop from the sample browser into Quanta in Reaper, but not in Renoise.

is this perhaps toolable? got a few plugs with this capability now would smooth things out a treat if renoise could play nice with them

Dredging this thread up again since it seems like a quick win that would make a lot of people (myself included!) happy. Drag n drop could really do with being spruced up throughout renoise - being able to drag samples straight from the renoise sampler into Amigo / punchbox / any other of the numerous samplers that support modern clipboard styles would be marvelous. It’s a big clunk in the workflow right now.

Drag and drop functionality is really missed in Renoise. Hopefully this can get supported.

I’ve scripted an Import & Export into Convolver device. Got it working. (it’s in Paketti - hit me up via a DM if you wanna try it out and give feedback)
I was fooling around with making an Import & Export from Amigo. I think it could be done, but I’m not 100%. (still WIP)

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I wanna try out your import and export into convolver too - where can i check it out?

I have an idea for your tool - import and export to Amigo.

Lets say we can paste a sample (from anywhere) into a tool - that sample automatically gets copied into your currently used renoise project file (folder) - and then you can drag it from the tool into amigo. So that the file used in amigo is now linked to your renoise project file/folder location, this way you never loose track of the files used in amigo (amigo doesnt embed the files into the project file, so this would be a workaround - if possible ofcourse ? )

i’ll send you a download link via dm! are you on discord? hit esaruoho up

i was actually working on this exact thing, with the same method as convolver. i had something running, but didn’t quite get it working yet. i then started sidequesting to eSpeak, Coluga, and a couple of other things. it’s definitely on my list of todo!
but i’ll try and do it the same hacky way i used for convolver.

this is interesting! i’ll reply privately for further

Since this topic has continued to have some activity… I am once again going to agitate for this to be fixed!

It’d be a relativley small change that’d make a large difference to workflow efficiency, having to stop, save samples to a temporary landing folder and drag them out from explorer is really slowing down my workflow!

Pretty pretty please can we have audio dragging work like it does in other DAWs, in a way that VST plugins that support audio drag and drop expect… It’s all I want for christmas! :pleading_face:

If you right click a sample in the browser you can reveal it’s location in windows explorer, then drag and drop from there. Not ideal but it’s not too much of a hassle.

i’ve written scripts for “Save Sample as WAV / FLAC” which uses the macOS Finder + Windows Explorer to save.
and also loaders which load content from macOS Finder dialog / Windows Explorer dialog into Renoise.

I could probably make one that saves all of the samples in the song, but each sample would get it’s own file dialog so you could name them accordingly, since the API is missing the possibility of providing “placeholder filename” - if that was there, i could automatically populate it with instrument name / sample name straight up.

Of course, you can do this, but it’s less convenient for recorded samples, which i make a lot of in my sessions, coz you have to go and save them and then bring them up in explorer/finder. It’s fine, but having this functionality natively would simply be convenient!

Scripts that save things automatically also… it’s still the same extra step! It’s one of those things that’s not too big an inconvenience, but would simply be really nice to have rectified.

i know. i’ll try to figure out how to decode base64 to JUCE LayerTree. if i can get that going, i can re-encode and then it’ll be transparent, like the Convolver scripts I got going with the helps of @OopsIFly :slight_smile: