Would be nice choosing fonts within prefs and not via changing them manually in Renoise-fonts-dir. Also you always need to restart Renoise to see changes.
I get you as I recently posted a font here and patterncofig.xml file and received a similar comment, but the devs always have to find a balance between keeping things simple, customizable and stable. Needing to modify files and restart daws/software is also not new. You have to drag ask files into Ableton’s Resources/Skin folder and restart it to install themes, You have to modify Logic’s files and restart if you want to simplify or reorganize the stock library/delete presets.
There’s also a small set of fonts that’ll work in renoise (for patternfont, you can choose whatever for UI in Conf.xml) They need to be monospaced with specific upm, ascend, descend values otherwise glyphs are not centered inside the cursor/row and they need to be optimized for both hidpi and non hidpi displays.
It’s a blessing we even have a fonts folder, also textures, cursor, etc everything is customizable.
The implementation of a font-selection does not necessarily endanger the stability of the program (like VST). By the way, non-mono fonts also work, it just looks stupid.
I have configured the fonts now (tried also yours, but don’t looks good for me) and at the end I don’t want to start a pro/contra discussion, as you can config each color, font size (more or less) or dpi, setting the font itself here just would be consequent…