Chord inversions book recommendations???


For electronic drums that sound like a real drummer use chopped up breaks layered with 808 or 909 ( search 200 breakbeats on the forum). You will have a lot of chopping and layering to do.

Here are some chord formulas that might help you understand chords and arpeggios more easily both in renoise and with bass…

Fretboard note names with octave numbers are here:

(number of semitones up from the root note of the chord )

0 4 7 - Major

0 3 7 - minor

0 5 7 - sus4

0 4 8 - augmented

0 3 6 - diminished

0 3 7 10 - m7

0 4 7 11 - Maj7

0 4 7 9 - 6th

0 4 7 10 - 7th