Chords?Idea For Tool

i got a idea for a tool,i will try to see if its possible to make

it will be based on the randomize notes tool,but instead of randomizing notes,i will see if i can make it enter chords

but right now i need to figure out how i make chords into Lua-code

i found this website that show me the chords

now i just need to figure out if something like this would be possible with the scripting in its current state?

something like what you are thinking of, following the circle of fifths could make a great AI composer tool.

thanks for the link

i dont know any music theory,so before i start working on this,i need to read up on chords and stuff
and figure out how to write them in Lua code i guess its close to how you do the scales,but im not sure though

also renoise doesent support these note prefixes


btw is there a reason why renoise doesent support note prefixes like Bb,Eb,Ab,Db,Gb ??

well, i guess because

  1. they are of no pratical consequence unless you are used to think in terms of keys and such. in classical western musical theory is there a difference notation-wise between, for example a D# and a Eb, which depends on the musical context.

  2. we don’t type in the notes in renoise (like: “e” + “b” to get eb) but play them on the keyboard. so there’s no way for renoise to know if it should put a sharp or a flat.

i will just concentrate in using the sharp notes first,but it will take some time before i have something usefull,because i dont have that much time these days,but im kind of excited to dive into this :D

i just had a look on this site

and i noticed this

c add9
c m
c m7
c dim
c dim7
c aug
c sus4
c sus2
c maj9

now how do i translate those into lua-code??

like i said i know jack about music theory

do you want the pitches for each chord?

ahh those are the pitches,no i dont need them in the first go

Did save a list with chord tables as pictures a few years back from some website. Probably useful for you:

thanks beatslaughter,will have a look on those

i also found this website with chords to scale,that could also be usefull

I hope Suva will convert his great app into a script one day for the chord generating win :slight_smile:

Chords xrns from guitar reference thread.

The original point of the thread was for “translating guitar to keyboard (vice versa) or programmed notes to guitar (vise versa)”.

I got carried away and included in the xrns complete keyboard chords.

The reason I didn’t convert the guitar poster version was because of alternate tunings.

Also from that thread, a link to the site where the xrns chords are based on.

i havent had the time to look into this more,im pretty busy for the time being,but hope i soon will have the time

finally had some time to look at the snippet scripts in the starterpack,and was wondering if i could use this for scales/chords,if i modifyied it abit

– generate a simple arp sequence (repeating in the current
– pattern & track from line 0 to the pattern end)

local pattern_iter =

local pattern_index =
local track_index =
local instrument_index =

local EMPTY_VOLUME = renoise.PatternTrackLine.EMPTY_VOLUME
local EMPTY_INSTRUMENT = renoise.PatternTrackLine.EMPTY_INSTRUMENT

local arp_sequence = {
{note=“C-4”, instrument = instrument_index, volume = 0x20},
{note=“E-4”, instrument = instrument_index, volume = 0x40},
{note=“G-4”, instrument = instrument_index, volume = 0x80},
{note=“OFF”, instrument = EMPTY_INSTRUMENT, volume = EMPTY_VOLUME},
{note=“G-4”, instrument = instrument_index, volume = EMPTY_VOLUME},
{note="—", instrument = EMPTY_INSTRUMENT, volume = EMPTY_VOLUME},
{note=“E-4”, instrument = instrument_index, volume = 0x40},
{note=“C-4”, instrument = instrument_index, volume = 0x20},

for pos,line in pattern_iter:lines_in_pattern_track(pattern_index, track_index) do
if not table.is_empty(line.note_columns) then

local note_column = line.note_columns[1]

local arp_index = math.mod(pos.line - 1, #arp_sequence) + 1
note_column.note_string = arp_sequence[arp_index].note
note_column.instrument_value = arp_sequence[arp_index].instrument
note_column.volume_value = arp_sequence[arp_index].volume

i just tried experimenting with the above code,but i dont get any sound??

Sound from what? From where? :rolleyes:

EDIT:doh figured it out :rolleyes: