Clicking on External Editor Window for Device also Selects the Device on Mixer / Track DSP View

Hi, I’d like it so that if I have, say, 5 External Editor Windows open for 5 different Track DSP Devices (or Sample FX Devices), that selecting an External Editor Window for a specific Device also selects the device itself (in Mixer or Track DSP view)

That’d be pretty neat!

I am sorry, but I do not understand what you are saying.
Perhaps you need to elaborate a bit more.

sure, i can try.

Ok. so. in Track DSP (Lower Frame), and in Mixer, you can select a Device. be it Renoise Native Device, VST, VST3, AudioUnit, LADPSA, DSSI…

That device will be shown with brackets. like this:
Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 7.55.22
Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 7.55.28

this signifies that the device is selected (aka selected_device).

however, the addition i’m looking for, is, that if the external editor of said device is selected, in a track that has multiple devices, the selection (making active of) the External Editor windows, also means that the device is selected in mixer/TrackDSP.

so like this.
in this case: i am clicking on an external editor window, but the track dsp device is not selected.

this is what i want to happen:

so steps:

  1. If I have 2 track dsp devices on the track
  2. And I have both track dsp device external editors open
  3. and i click on an external editor window
  4. then the track dsp device whose external editor i have clicked on, becomes the selected device. (visual selection, brackets).

the gif below “shows how it would work” - but without me needing to manually click on the device in trackdsp or mixer to “make it selected”.
selected device

@tkna this would mean that if i can modify the selected device by selecting on a window, i can send specific script commands or shortcut commands, related to selected device, to it.

I see. It might improve usability.

well, it’ll help with the Paketti feature of Randomize Selected Device Parameters" :slight_smile:

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