Clockwork Samurai

excellent track!

My friend had to stop listening because it was giving him a headache :smiley:

I love this track! It’s very well done and varied enough to keep rockin all the way through :slight_smile:

f****in awesome :drummer: :yeah: :drummer: :yeah: :drummer: :yeah: :drummer: :guitar: :drummer: :panic: :w00t: :panic: :drummer: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :drummer: :panic: :guitar:

I wish you guys were at my gigs for a change!
I usually clear the room with this sorta thing in about 30 minutes.

Thanks :)

book me, I’m cheap! :D


it’s now 37:36 so more hella-fun hardcore for your neighbours!

Haha, this is just great, i love the intro! And the rest of it too. :walkman: Whats the BPM??


thank you for this botb. I’m working nightshift, it’s 4:30am, and the other guy is giving me the shits by being a rude prick. Since it’s only me and him I have taken the liberty of putting this on repeat. We’ll see who’s more annoyed come sunrise, eh? >:D

The XL version is down! :(

Yeah sorry, the bandwidth costed me too much €€€ :(

Have you tried applying to or

Yeah, two years ago. I’ve given up on them by now.

Had to prioritize on my own server: clockwork samurai or fistfull of XRNS files.