Color Themes For Renoise

Sorry I only knew how to paste my theme by a reply on this forum, sorry, hope you like it

Very nice theme! It’s easy on the eyes, and not hard to see anything.

This one speaks to me

Really good one. Toning with global hue slider into the mood works fine here :slight_smile: also great as it is.
Thx for sharing!!!

if you want you can upload your theme on theming discord. There is a Channel for useruploads.

happy tracking :slight_smile:

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hej ho!

I really love the theme, thanks a bunch for making it. There is one thing I’d love to know: how did you manage the coloring of the track backgrounds in the track’s color?

I think it really makes it easier to orient yourself in the pattern editor.

Thats how it works when you change the color of the track ( if the template has the same colors for all tracks they will be the same color ), just like the default. Are you saying you change the color of the tracks and the background doesn’t change? If so I think that’s not how it usually works.

Hej, since I didn’t know how quickly people respond over here I also asked on reddit and already received an answer which solved my issue (

Essentially I wanted to know how to enable background blend, and now know how to do it :slight_smile:

Either way, thanks!

Reality ADlib Tracker (RAD Tracker) inspired theme.


GJ-Reality ADlib Tracker - Download


Thanks a lot guys I’ve grabbed a few of these and use them for Redux. I’ve made a few myself but I don’t own Renoise. Will Redux themes work for Renoise? They’re xnrc files :man_shrugging:t6:

Yes. And vice versa.

Thanks just bought Renoise too lol. I’ll upload my themes tomorrow

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AG Casiino.xrnc (5.0 KB)

I really like blue

Yes of course. I actually jacked it from that supersweet thing e-dex if anyone was a bit curious about the naming scheme. Although I wouldn’t mind someone checking it first to make sure everything is in order, as I may not have the sampler colors perfect. this led me to a cool tool idea that i wish i could write, utilizing an idea dBlue wrote about having to do with color scheme generation like this: I figure if anything, this thread would be the place to plant the seed. like something where you pick a color shade, and the amount of colors in the palette, and then it grabs the other colors proper to the scheme type, which could be several. thus generating a wild selection of very pleasing options. even something that changes during your songs, and most def giving rise to manually commanding the schemes, types and theme via effects commands?

Off topic a bit but omg e-dex is great. i spent ages looking toi find the perfect multi-tab console (after using Sakura on Linux then moving to Win11).

Went through the archived releases and grabbed the default theme of 3.0 which apparently was the last one with yellow and white accents one before they made the orange and green one in 3.1. I love it, it makes me nostalgic for previous versions that I never got to try (2.8, etc) and goes better with hidden track colors which I always do, enjoy!

default3.0.xrnc (5.0 KB)

Screen Shot 2022-09-25 at 10.41.40 PM


someone asked for this in another thread, so thought I’d post it here as well for all you lovers of garish color schemes out there :upside_down_face:

GOBY green daylight.xrnc (4.9 KB)
Screen Shot 2022-10-02 at 4.12.17 PM

and another in the same family I like:
sea dragon.xrnc (5.0 KB)
Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 9.21.27 AM


TOP notch! thank you very much - they make me speechless :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:

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Glad you like! :smiley:

Here’s the two main themes I use. I mostly use the dark one.

highway_rehab_armani.xrnc (5.0 KB)

highway_rehab_tarnation.xrnc (5.0 KB)