I’ve converted my blue-orange theme. Download
( removed )
something off-topic:
can somebody tell me where renoise saves the currently used theme?
(if you change something to the currently used theme, exit renoise and come back, the settings are still there - this has to be saved somewhere)
i can’t find it in the “documents&settings” dir of renoise.
It’s in the Config.xml
Some new ones for 1.8.0
Opal download
Emerald download
update of the old Mustard Theme:
btw: thx for implementing my old 2 other themes into the installer. I appreciate it very much
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Nice themes!
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@all: please note: bright type faces on dark background is bad for the eyes. don’t wondering about the need for glasses in some years!
just my 2 cent … it doesn’t matter …
Great themes but my thanks goes to DBlue for your fourth one which I will be using from now on!!
Trackah123: Like your amiga skins! so awsome
Anyway, here is 2 of my skins.
Xp Green [Download]
Xp Blue (FIXED URL) [Download]
Yep, nice skins Evert.
Fine job you did there on the protracker theme Trackah123!
it’s really as if I’m warped back to my early tracking years.
O well why not sending my default theme as well: