Hi. I know this subject has been brought up before, but here’s what I’d like to see in Renoise:
If I had the source code, what I’d be doing right now is:
Adding a feature to the pattern sequencer so that blocks of pattern numbers can be assigned a colour (e.g verse 1 patterns green… chorus red etc).
Adding a feature to allow the foreground and background of each track in the pattern editor to be customised.
The biggest gripe I have about Renoise is that I cannot easily see my song structure. I used the comments in the pattern sequencer all the time but they’re still bland monochrome text.
It was good to see the track colour bar headers appear in beta 2.5 but it would still be nice to see more colour use in the pattern editor - particularly customised background colours.
This would make Renoise perfect in my opinion. Its bloody great at the moment, but there’s nothing wrong with striving for perfection!
Thanks - I’ll have to give it a try. I’ve just checked out a screenshot and it looks complicated initially. I just hope it doesn’t take up too much space on the screen. I still think my colour suggestions would be simple and very useful. Too much information on the screen is just… too much.
I’m sorry but I don’t think you can do what you say. I can see the track colours within the Pattern Matrix but I cannot change the colours of the rows in the Pattern Matrix.
Are you absolutely sure you can change the colours of your rows?? What version are you using? I’m using 2.5.0 b6.
Yeah… 2.5.0 b9 has the functionality you refer to… It only seems to work on pattern tracks that have a single note inside them.
Oh well… this is definitely a move in the right direction. Perhaps I’ll see “Custom colour” menu options on the Pattern Sequencer and Pattern Editor soon too. I’d still rather not use the Pattern Matrix but thats just my personal choice.