I have been eyeing the Polyend Tracker just for the sake of not being tethered to the same desk I work at all day when I want to make some music - also to act as a sequencer companion to my Digitone, but this is besides the point.
One of the features added to the PT in recent updates, in addition to the pre-existing “fill” within a set range is the idea of a Euclidean fill option. For example, I would like to be able to select an FX column and with predetermined settings, i.e. every line, every other line, every 3 lines etc. fill the FX column with a random value of the Yxx probability command - even perhaps giving a range for the randomness i.e. Y80 to YCF. Additionally a Euclidean fill for the note set up to trigger hi-hats would be useful, as well as being able to set a random range for the velocity of each note before they are printed to column.
I love the sequencer as it is, but manually adjusting Yxx on a per line basis is a little frustrating at times.