there is a constant LPB used in ConnerBW’s MidiConvert tool in line 491 of export.lua.
lpb = 4
It should be instead:
lpb = RNS.transport.lpb
It says in the description:
MIDI Commands
* M0 xxyy: Set CC Number/Value
Does it mean that it only support M0 XXYY, or was M0 XXYY different in Renoise 2.8, and M1 XXXX was not taken into account yet? Since my pitch slides do not seem to be exported…
Ok I managed to add midi pitch to export, but it is not accurate yet.
Is the fx_col.number_string the Channel Fine Tuning and the fx_col.amount_string the Channel Coarse Tuning in the midi control change message, like described here?
I think I now added proper pitchbend support and fixed the LPB tempo, but needs testing. I scaled the upper and lower bytes by 0.5 . Midi pitchbend is weird: