Complexity New Renoise

I was wondering, since FLStudio is turning out to be a huge disappointment in the support-side of things (I haven’t ever bought a piece of software where tech support is so crappy, uninterested an downright arrogant) I’m looking forward to the 1.5 release of Renoise.

My big problem with FLStudio is that I can’t get the thing to sync normally with my TB-303. I’ve bought new equipment, begged and pleaded with the makers of FLStudio to implement MTC… nothing.

Yesterday I started up Renoise again and of course it IMMEDIATELY synced all my stuff as tight as a (909 bass) drum.

But, I had so much problems learning Renoise 1.2 - it’s just too complex and therewith offputting, that I won’t even try. [Time to pause for laughter, snickering and finger pointing :rolleyes: ]

I was wondering if 1.5 is going to be any different, if there’s been given some thought to reducing commands and overall complexity?

I’ve been annoyed at hell with FLStudio for not techsupporting a 149 dollar program, so that annoyance might just bring me back to learning Renoise :P

But I’d rather wait if 1.5 is going to be easier on my old, tired i-don’t-want-to-learn-anything-new brain. :D

New features like context menus and drag and drop may improve usability, but in generel i think it will remain much the same as 1.281. The manual should also get better :)

… and tooltips.

the usability will be undoubtably better:

  • more customizable view (fullscreen pattern mode above all)

  • more advanced editing

  • drag and drop of pattern objects

  • better diskop

  • smarter automation (“automation follow” above all)

  • tooltips

  • better arranger

  • more coherent interface

  • a little less CPU usage

so you will have definitely more time to learn instead of bein frustrated by the interface.

An update to your brain would also help :rolleyes:

and… about your coming back from FruityLoops:


IT “Nelson Muntz” Alien :D

Okay, so I’ll have to dig into the manual again. The new version sounds something to wait for. I’ve been playing with Renoise just now and its great the way it syncs my external gear.

It proves that there was nothing wrong with my machines or computers. It’s just sloppy programming on the part of FLStudio.

With Renoise, even when I load a heavy VST, it just keeps on humming right along, where FLStudio immediately craps out and looses sync with the smallest of VSTs. :angry:

Sooo, I guess that Brain Update™ is in order. I managed to create a cool drum pattern with not too much effort, so I’ll just have to get at it and learn Renoise again. B)

But since I make simple techno, I find that sometimes Renoise records way too much information, if you catch my drift. I would love to be able to force it to record monophonic, just like in “the old days”.

I have disabled recording of velocities and so on, but still it sometimes “widens” the track when I play stuff (either from the computer keyboard or my synth).

Am I making sense? :blink: For instance, when I play a melodic line for my 202, which is monophonic, Renoise makes a bit of a mess of the column I’m playing in.

I’d like it to record monophonic and ignore any multiple note input. Is that possible at all?

Ahwell. Playing with software that syncs my external stuff is SOOOO fulfilling. If you need me I’m in my studio. :D

Yep. Try to disable “KeyJazz”… it’s a button on the upper screen. Keyjazz enables polyphony, so I think new columns shouldn’t be auto-added with this off.

Talking about vintage equipment :D

Yeah! Disabling KeyJazz was exactly what I was ment. I’m rediscovering Renoise :D

Have been able to program a couple of basslines and drumpatterns that would take me forever in FLStudio. Handson, seeing the notes is best.

Cool thing is that it’s encredibly simple to address all my MIDI stuff. Great!

I wonder, in FLStudio it’s possible (thru a mixing panel) to set how much a VST effect may contribute to the total sound. So, only a small amount of reverb, for instance. Or that very cool destruction plugin, but not too much.

Is that in Renoise? I might be overlooking it too. ;)

This might be what you want:

  • Put a send device on the track you want effected.
  • Put the effect on the send track the send device is routed to
  • You can now adjust the send amount with the slider and choose to mute or keep source.