Concept art for a tattoo!

Hi there folks, hope you’re all having a good time and are enjoying your holidays!

I’ve been thinking about getting a tattoo for a while now and decided that I’ll do something related to Renoise and Trackers in general so I’m currently doing some research, do you guys have any cool art concepts to suggest? I’d be really down to check them out. :grinning:


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That would hurt I believe


A giant back piece of the Renoise R logo? :wink:

I think I can tattoo that on my forehead

I’d keep the design minimal… something like a single column of c400 and three empty lines repeating as a bracelet or anklet or armband wrapped in an infinite loop :infinity::curly_loop:

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Consider putting a picture of what ever design you choose on the wall in your house and live with it awhile.


Thanks! That`s actually a good idea, clever

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Good advice, will definitely do that :sweat_smile:

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