Considering nibbles and paddles exist

What makes you think this way? Do you think Renoise is just a toy and not serious when it comes to producing?

You’d be surprised. Just listen to @ToybOx .

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ok boomer

I do wonder if people actually know what a boomer is sometimes.

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Ask a question that isn’t “why was my post deleted?” or “how about a refreshing game of pong in Renoise?” and then act like a spoiled brat when you aren’t fawned over and you aren’t likely to be “lynched”. As well as the word Boomer, look up what lynching actually is and then dial down the hyperbole ffs.


welcome to the renoise community

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This is disingenuity personified. What “welcome” would you have suggested be rolled out?


According to @moloko it’s someone who rejects inappropriate and useless crap. :slightly_smiling_face:
But I don’t feel offended. Possibly he’s a late millennial or even generation Z, and that means he most likely always needs something to play with (just like a mobile phone), mostly has got problems to focus so there’s a need for something for distraction from “work”, and last but not least always needs to have “fun”. It’s the type of guy that possibly also wants a toaster in his car. :wink:


Maybe the tool could be a community project, with freely loadable and selectable animation sprites.

But included in the future renoise releases - for fun and lol and whatever.

I mean the FL-Chan is totally for fun and laughs and whatever - it’s like these toy dogs you put on a car dashboard that wiggle their head the car drives, or the Chinese? luck bringing cat toy that waves its arm.

Dude, I know what you’re getting at and I get that, even if I personally don’t think this is “fun”. But as I said, if someone wants to invest precious time to create a tool that shows a “dancing sprite”, go for it. All I’m saying is that absolutely nothing that doesn’t improve anything and contributes absolutely nothing to a DAW in terms of creating music shouldn’t be included in a DAW. And it’s way more likely that there’s a built-in piano roll in Renoise than a “dancing sprite”… :slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry if I hurt your feelings TNT, it was not my intention, as an adult I thought you would understand it’s just my opinion as a Renoise user. I hope everything is alright with you and hopefully you can find the emotional help you need. Cheers.

Thank you, young man! As an adult you can certainly understand that I’m an emotional wreck because all those years there was no dancing sprite that could have lifted me up while making music. Hopefully a rethinking is taking place and there will be either a game or a dancing sprite included in every single program, preferably by law, that no one has to go through the same as me. Someone should ask the Renoise devs if they could take care of this very serious and important matter.


Alright that was funny

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Seems “Nibbles” is here since FastTracker II had the game integrated in a highly visible way.

Kind of made sense then, since it was a DOS program (there was no running two programs at once really)…
allowing a composer to take a break without rebooting into another program.

My 2c: It had a utility then and perhaps this might not be so useful now.

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I think your point is fair but I don’t believe you can objectively measure what’s useful and what’s not useful to everyone, is music itself useful? What makes a feature useful? Useful to what and to whom? It’s a super broad dilemma that gives birth to silly assumption that ultimately have roots in ones own set of values and beliefs and shouldn’t be pushed as ultimate truths, all jokes aside there’s a big issue in this thread: people ridiculing a simple suggestion made by a newcomer just because they feel entitled to (a mascot or whatever isn’t a groundbreaking thing in the music production business, some DAWs nowadays have something to that effect so OP isn’t requesting anything outrageous).

You see, if one doesn’t likes the idea one can just… not comment in the thread? Or if one wants to express ones annoyance (which is ones right to do so) why not do so in a constructive way instead of sounding like an old man yelling at the clouds? This is a recurring thing here, it helps no one and I have a feeling is part of the reason Renoise is getting more and more outdated each year (in my opinion). Just let people suggest things, different people have different needs and preferences, you’re not “better” Renoise users and your opinion isn’t “better” or worth more than other Renoise users just because you’ve been using it for god knows how long idk.

Probably has more to do with the development cycle

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Renoise is developed by boomers. It’s obvious. They hate anyone under 60 which is why there’s still no TikTok integration in the tracker window. They’re probably secretly writing Rolling Stones lyrics into the source code.


In a DAW with such slow dev cycles, id rather real problems were addressed. You’re out here defending an idea put forward by somebody who has demonstrated little to no knowledge of Renoise and their opening gambit was a post with a dangerous link that was deleted and a request for a game or mascot or waifu to be integrated into Renoise.

When challenged, youve just thrown insults around and acted like a spoiled child that you werent provided with a pat on the head and replied along the lines of “ZOMG lulz yes plz! Give waifu game uwu”. Age has nothing to do with it and your insistence on bringing it up repeatedly is puerile. FWIW I own a Gameboy Color, Switch, PS5 and Xbox Series S - I like games. New games, old games, everything in between. I’m not asking for Renoise to be ported to Nintendo Switch (would be cool tho) and complaining like a fucking child when the idea isnt embraced.

Since you keep bringing age into things: grow the fuck up, or go back to circle jerking on the Discord.

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Hell yeah! Should someone list all the effects for you?

That’s a simple question, so is the answer:
It’s only useful when it improves the workflow and serves the purpose of the program.

Well, if you think that someone sounds like an old man yelliing at the clouds just by pointing out that something doesn’t improve anything and contributes nothing in purpose of the DAW, and therefore it’s useless, good for you. But that’s just your opinion and not a fact. But it’s a fact that any specific program was made for a specific reason and serves a specific purpose only. Feel free to use several programs in parallel, but don’t expect one specific program to be everything.

Thanks for the laugh! :joy:


“In a DAW with such slow dev cycles, id rather real problems were addressed.”

That’s fair, other people have politely made that point here like blo0dcl0t.

“You’re out here defending an idea put forward by somebody who has demonstrated little to no knowledge of Renoise and their opening gambit was a post with a dangerous link that was deleted and a request for a game or mascot or waifu to be integrated into Renoise.”

Again, being a newcomer doesn’t invalidate his suggestion, perspective on Renoise and preferences, if you think only the VIP Renoise Forum club of people using the DAW for at least 654 years can suggest things it’s your problem and it’s not an excuse to be a dick. The link isn’t dangerous it’s just not HTTPS encrypted you goofy, it’s a known website (no, it wasn’t deleted) of a known tool in the Reaper community.

“When challenged, youve just thrown insults around and acted like a spoiled child that you werent provided with a pat on the head and replied along the lines of “ZOMG lulz yes plz! Give waifu game uwu””

Challenged? You guys were just throwing insults around, that’s not a challenge in my books. Aren’t you guys ashamed of acting like this? Also, the FL Studio mascot (and the Reaper replica) isn’t even a Waifu. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.

“Age has nothing to do with it and your insistence on bringing it up repeatedly is puerile. FWIW I own a Gameboy Color, Switch, PS5 and Xbox Series S - I like games. New games, old games, everything in between. I’m not asking for Renoise to be ported to Nintendo Switch (would be cool tho) and complaining like a fucking child when the idea isnt embraced.”

Oh, you own console games, that totally justifies ridiculing someone else just because you don’t like their idea and now you’re comparing their idea with porting Renoise to Nintendo Switch just because… why not? It’s totally the same thing!

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“That’s a simple question, so is the answer:
It’s only useful when it improves the workflow and serves the purpose of the program.”

And do you realize how that’s ultimately tied to ones own set of beliefs, preferences and perspective? Or are you just conveniently ignoring what I previously wrote?

“Well, if you think that someone sounds like an old man yelliing at the clouds just by pointing out that something doesn’t improve anything and contributes nothing in purpose of the DAW, and therefore it’s useless, good for you”

No, someone sounds like an old man yelling at the clouds when they push their own subjective opinion like an ultimate truth of sorts and use this opinion to justify being rude to others.

“But it’s a fact that any specific program was made for a specific reason and serves a specific purpose only. Feel free to use several programs in parallel, but don’t expect one specific program to be everything.”

DAWs can serve many purposes, that’s why it’s a Digital Audio Workstation, not an editor, not a restoration suite. I don’t expect every software to have everything the same way I don’t mind people suggesting things.
It doesn’t matter if you think “Renoise needs this and this and not this”, people are allowed to suggest things and their suggestions don’t necessarily exclude or invalidate other suggestions so stop bitching about it, as I said earlier it helps no one and just scares people away.