I’ll make it short for the most part.
1 & 2: This is working ok in Renoise… i have posted a video here of a piano track i have recorded in Renoise and in the columns you can see volume and delay commands behind the notes. One pass recordings usually work fine, but if you like to overdub the layout can get a little messy.
Soundfonts: no, SFZ: yes, NKI: needs NI Kontakt
You can either use folders to sort your stuff or use the Renoise libraries, so yes.
You can preview samples instantly, but mapped instruments like SFZ or XRNI need to be loaded first.
Renoise has a few EQs you can use, but you can also load your own plugins if you so desire.
Renoise itself has no solid way of converting your song to MIDI, but there is always the bit cumbersome route of using MIDI drivers to send MIDI data from one program to another. Also there is a Renoise tool to convert songs to MIDI, but i don’t know if it still works or not since i haven’t used it in a good while. The Renoise files itself are ZIPs, which contain XML data, so in worst case you can always roll your own conversion.
Renoise has theme support but not exactly skins, meaning you can change colors but not do a complete own UI. Look here for examples.