no longer about DDoS.
but given this “game” conversation, this is very much how many people think, apparently many of us do. so long as your not following a strict moral code inside your head, you’re playing your odds; in this case, a fairly benign issue such as public transit. though when we’re talking about HUGE amounts of money, the DEA, Saudis using U.S. money to pay for “little boy dancers” (essentially little boys to fuck, without even needing to be catholic!), we’re talking SERIOUS shit.
this is a benign game for THEM, not US.
so essentially, i’m in favor of any and every opportunity for the people to win this “game” against their government. the forefathers of the U.S. made the constitution to prevent this game from even being a possibility, but since they’re dead, new rules are made up on the fly. The governments are like a really shitty dungeon master that really doesn’t want you to win a battle despite rolling a 20 (if we’re sticking to game terms). That dick doesn’t deserve the snacks at the table.