Controversial Question, How Do You Engage A Dos Attack?

Edited: look elsewhere for how-tos -mushen

With all of the buzz around Wikileaks, the U.S. government is heading a propaganda campaign to deem Wikileaks a “Terrorist” organization. They are not responsible for the content of the documents they receive, they do not steal the document, they only provide a method of providing anonymity for federal whistle-blowers to leak confidential documents revealing what, often, the U.S. doesn’t want the citizens to know. This is a new political environment in which being net savvy is a new form of self-defense which serves as a very real way to participate in the fight for freedom of speech.

Its funny you mention this now since it was on Dutch television two days(?) ago. We have this dayly talkshow here and one of the topics was the whole wikileaks business. There was this I.T. guy as guest that showed, live, on air how he dDos’ed mastercard. ( here dutch )

He says; go to IRC (through 4chan), download LOIC and wait for orders :)

The notion of Wikileaks or well Julian was compromised when he removed everything about the Israeli gov.

Don’t get caught up in the storm, it’s giving the reasons for taking away our freedoms that much quicker.

Also, read through the comments on here:

Then decide if this is something you want to partake in.

The old irc bot method to simply do an open communication request using thousands or millions of computers.
In the past these kind of tools simply were spread through virusses. These were harmless for you as computer user, but became part of a gigantic DoS machinery.
The only difference here is that this tool is installed voluntary and with the purpose to do harm.

The tool itself does nothing on your command, it simply registers to an irc channel as a bot and simply remains idling there until the channel-master gives them the command to start browsing a domain.
And all registered channelbots simply then do so.
I doubt there are still regular IRC servers that allow this kind of channel activity, so you would have to set up your own irc server to circumvent the limits, but you will then be exposing yourself a lot more as the ip-adress of your server leads to you and has to be given along with the DoSbot.
Designing a DoS-attack engine is not the problem. Executing it without getting exposed is the hardest part so it would be wise not get yourself into these kind of attempts. As moderator, i will warn up ahead that posted descriptions and instructions here on this board about how to thoroughly cloak your origin, will be censored. There are other far more appropriate places where you can discuss these kind technical details.

Regarding wikileaks, they have received over 250.000 documents which they discussed with quite a few big news-agencies (source: ) which of this stuff could be exposed and which not.

The fact they get over 250.000 documents from whistleblowers already means that people working within their government aren’t really agreeing with the silence-policy their government is maintaining.
I doubt wikileaks will die as whistle-blowers keep existing and they will find other means to expose… When that happens i doubt documents will be filtered that good as current so then also stuff ends up on the net that wikileaks probably would not have exposed…

Wikileaks ain’t the terrorist organisation governments are shouting about, but the government their terrorists are simply working inside their own organisation :P

The fact that Wikileaks received a lot of confidential communication, and then partnered with a number of news outlets to process the information (Spiegel, NYT, etc.) before publishing, trying to validate it’s authenticity I think speaks for itself. It’s a matter of press freedom, which is one of the fundamental principles of democracy (and a number of other political ideologies for that matter).
When several politicians are calling for Wikileaks to be shut down, and Julian Assange to be assasinated, it really just serves to display that they haven’t got a clue about what a free press really is.

Instead of participating in DOS attacks, there is a very real (and legal) alternative, which is to protest by signing the petition. Just like a DOS attack, strength is in numbers.

Calling wikileaks a terror organisation and trying to shut them down though they have not stolen anything could be seen as an attack on the democracy of the world by the US.
Its a bit scary when the US government/pentagon is trying to dictate what people in other countries have the right to put on the internet and the payment companies follow since they are
all US based.

Here is an interesting article about the pirates plans on starting an alternative internet.

1996 was a good year.

I like this topic# 27972 a nice curve.

Another thing to do is support Openleaks.

Is interesting to see the governments not going after the press, using their mode of thinking, they are just as liable.

I’ve reached the conclusion DDoS isn’t really worth it or effective, thanks all.

Before posting the original post, I had signed the avaaz petition and donated to

hypothetical question concerning legality: should they (world governments) be permitted illegal activity, and we (citizens) concern ourselves with the legality of self-defense?

I agree very much. Still, I fully support anon in his actions because I’m one of those guys who likes to watch the world burn. :)

Im waiting for wikileaks infos about UFOs :D

I’m not trying to be a dick but don’t you ever wonder if you are beating the other side of a dead coin here?

Without watching the video it is very plausible, the heading of President Obama’s election initiative to work toward an open & acountable government which by all accounts should include the military, is essentially what wikileaks has laid the ground work for.

let me make clear first of all that i enjoy the whole wikileaks-thing going on, and seeing/hearing officials getting all worked up about this, some going as far as shouting for assassinations and ‘hunting Assange down like Bin Laden’ (and the Slashdot comment on that last one along the lines of ‘i guess they mean spending millions of dollars without catching him?’). i support these actions and do not think people doing this should be stopped/censored. However.

understandably (possibly), when you are in a government, you come across stuff or have to make decisions that you do not want to inform the public about, because it will cause an uproar. but the decision or the information might be needed for something, and the public often does not understand the scope of things the government is working on. the public does not have all of the information, so to keep them from getting pissed because you chose to take a certain action to prevent something else, you keep it quiet. this is all understandable (to me at least). i cannot imagine the decisions you’d have to make when you are part of a government, and these guys do deserve a certain amount of respect for doing that kind of work and making those decisions. however, some decisions are bad, and there is too little honesty because of they way the world works. if you make a bad decision you can lose your job and you do not want that, so you keep stuff quiet to give yourself (and your family etc) security. but this can go way to far. i read the book about Lehman Brothers, and the writer (who used to work there) is literally saying that he thinks it is really sad that some of his colleagues had to sell their luxury boats and cars and shit because of this. that is not sad. what’s sad is them not thinking about people who will never be able to afford luxury stuff, and just bought a house on a basis of jack shit, and are now homeless. because things go to far like this, wikileaks, whistleblowers, are a good thing. i just don’t think governments are all bad.

the way i see it, this is a game. governments try to keep stuff secret, and whistleblowers try to expose those secrets. when governments get all cranked up about this, they simply don’t get it. they’ve been beat in this round, and will have to try harder next time. when i use public transport without paying, i sit there a bit nervous looking out the window for the guys who come in and check your ticket (at least that’s how it works here in the Netherlands). but i won’t be pissed when i get caught, and happily (somewhat) pay the fine, because they just won that round, simple. i once spent a trip from A to B seeing these guys get on the train, i get off the train and on to the next one, then the next stop they do the same, i repeat, and so on for three stops, until they halt me and say ‘we know what you are doing, you’re not getting out’, and all i could do was smile because they out-smarted me. imo, this is how it works, and it can’t work any other way.

wow that was long. hope someone takes the time to read it or i would’ve typed it all out for nothing!

I get you there, i know more people who work this way…They approach it as a discount game:
They travel by public transport everyday without tickets but put some fine money aside in case they get caught. 7 out of 10 times, there isn’t even a check and 2 out of 3, they get off in time without being caught.
The trip itself is approximately 20% to 30% of what the fine costs.
Suppose the trip costs 11 euros.
77 euro’s you save because there isn’t a check at all
22 euro’s you save because you get away in time.
The moment you won’t be getting away, you have to pay 61 euro’s (fine + trip)
Let’s say 110 euro’s - 61 = 49 euro’s saved on ten trips.
However if they manage to catch you 2 times out of ten, this game ain’t lucrative anylonger.

well yes, that would be the financial side of that. but the explanation of this technique was meant more as a parallel towards the whole wikileaks vs governments debate. aside from the fact that it can be lucrative financially, i think the most important thing is to approach it as a game between competitors, and to not get pissed when you are beaten, but accept your defeat and just try harder next time.

Not sure if this thread is really more about DOS attacks, Wikileaks or jumping public transport but thought it may be a place worth sharing the John Pilger interview about the subject of Wikileaks and Assange.

Not seen his latest documentary yet, The War You Don’t See, premièred on ITV in UK the other day and currently at some cinemas from what I can gather. Currently not on John Pilger’s site, although pretty much every other documentary/video of his is so hopefully it will be added once cinema release is finished.

(EDIT: I thought Vimeo worked with Media tags.)