Convolver Color - what EQ is applied?

On certain IRs the color slider sounds fantastic, and I wish I could print that setting to the impulse response so I could use it elsewhere - do we know exactly what the colour slider does so I could replicate it?


Did you try using a burst of white noise and resampling with color slider applied? That might do the trick, depending on the impulse. Seems like it’s a variable LP/HP filter, but may just be a simple BP… I have no idea on the tech specs, however. I’d maybe start with a Butterworth BP 4n and see if that gets you close, too.

I haven’t, I’ll give that a try thanks. Since the audio effects page says color attenuates or boosts mid frequencies I had assumed it was more like an eq band - if it’s an HP/LP does it instead remove other frequencies rather than boost certain frequencies directly? I also should have specified I’m using negative color values, so I need to do the inverse I suppose - HP/LP to make a broad notch filter?

Hard for me to say, but I would probably start by running white noise through it, opening the spectrum analyzer, and seeing how the color knob impacts the behavior of the spectrum. Then, maybe see if you can replicate that behavior with any of the filters that we’ve got. I haven’t tested this, does the color knob affect the sound if there’s no impulse loaded? If so I’d just run a clean signal through it, and see what it does on the analyzer

Went ahead with your spectrum analyser trick - you’re right, it’s just an LP/HP! I’ll try filtering myself and see what happens. Or maybe resampling. Anyway, I think that means the information on the audio effects page is incorrect though.

Could be. I did a little testing myself just now, and it looks and sounds and behaves like a somewhat resonant bandpass filter to me. I tried the different analog filter modes and none of them matched exactly, but the 2P Moog BP at around 18% resonance sounds fairly close to my ears, though definitely not exact.

Yeah I’ve found there’s something going on beyond simple LP/HP but it’s pretty subtle. I tried your bandpass settings, it’s close but I think digital filter, biquad, at 18.5% resonance is even closer going by my spectrum analyser. Interesting that it’s not known!

didn’t say it’s not known, just not by me :upside_down_face:

Ah I see, I saw renoise team and assumed you were the font of all knowledge. Either way, biquad at 18.5% is close enough for now. Thanks for your help!

Haha, lol, no definitely not. I’ve only been on the team for about a month and have no knowledge of the code. Whoever wrote the DSP could say definitively.

Nice, it must be cool to be involved with coding renoise, I’d love to do that. Hopefully whoever wrote the DSP can chime in then :slight_smile:

It’s a really simple combination of a Biquad LP and HP filters. Values > 0.5 enable the HP, values below 0.5 the LP filter.

Here’s a Doofer preset which emulates what the internal Convolver code does: Color Filter.xrdp (7.5 KB)


Are the same filters applied in the distortion device’s Tone slider?

No, that’s a HighShelf filter at 1200 HZ with a Q of 1.5.
The color “amount” controls the gain in range -8db + x*2 * 8db, with x in [0-1]

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