Copy paste instantaniously into one a another


I need two instances open of Renoise one for sample edit and the other instance for editing the song
that becaus i have hard times with very long samples and the way i use it right now saves me lots of time but below suggested the job gets even done realy Fast And The Furious

i can copy from one instance from the track edititor and paste into other instance but not from sampler to sampler can you please fix that on mac updates that workflow is super fast instead saving to the drive first and loading it into the other sampler… i not understand why not possible on Mac OS

Much appreciate that update.

Kind Regards
good day!

hi, i have written a script that lets you bounce a sample from Renoise to an App of your choice. there’s a shortcut for it, and a menu entry. There’s 6 possible apps that you can select. works on macOS, Windows and Linux.

There’s also a “save current sample to folder” & “Save all samples to folder” options.

Send me a Message if you want to try a VIP WIP build of Paketti with this feature.

EDIT: this means if you have running, you can set AppSelection1 to and AppSelection2 to Renoise - then save, quit Renoise, restart Renoise + open Renoise copy, and you can copy selected sample from Renoise1 to Renoise2. or from Renoise2 to Renoise1

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what exactly is the problem, perhaps there already is a solution?

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