Copy paste Spectre VST3 devices from one track to another loses preset state

If you copy Spectre VST3 (macos arm) from one track to another, the preset will be lost. If you store the preset to A in the source, and then copy it to destination, the preset still is lost, but you can restore by pressing button A (working workaround).

Question is, why does it not properly copy the preset, too? I’ve seen this with other VST3s, too, but I don’t remember the names. Seems to be a bug. Also restoring preset data while loading a song works just normally.

I’ve only got the demo version of Spectre, which in demo mode generally doesn’t remember any presets. What other VST(3) plugin have you used that has the same problem?

Ah, difficult, posted this, because above plugin copy/paste works fine in Bitwig. Looked a bit, but couldn’t find another one…