Loaded to fail with the error:
'Failed to parsethe XML file ‘/tmp/Renoise-214/Song.xml’
Does anyone know what this means, or, even better how to fix it? I’ve got a gig in 2 hours and one of the tracks I was practicing just corrupted! Please help!
Its my first gig, only 4 tracks to play and one of thems just destroyed itself. Its only a 15 min set, but I haven’t got too much material yet and losing a quarter of the set is a real pain in the bum!
The version number is 8 in Mac builds because of the PPC 24 bit hotfix in b6. So thats OK.
This must have happened while saving. Looks like either Renoise or a VST have overwritten some memory (the word “SplitMap”). Lets try to find out some more details about this later…