Count-in Before Recording.


I’ve searched the forum , and i have’nt found a suggestion on this one. Im sure most of u know what this is, and it would be a great addition to the new quantize feature.

Not sure if it is mentioned before either.
But I think this would be a nice feature!

The metronome does the job for now. You just have to cut the first bit of your sample after recording,
so it isn’t high on my list.

I would like to that too, also a volume control for the metronome would be great.

It isn’t high on my list eather, I can surely live without it.

I just thought that it would be a nice ‘bonus’ after the big features come out ^_^

I like how yous guys think. +1 for that one!

+1 I think this is an obvious feature

Will be nice. +1

mentioned many times before, reaction in the past has been that you can set up an empty pattern yourself, preceding the pattern you want to record in.

I think ‘count in’ like you call it pfke, would be much more user friendly.

Indeed. It would also be nice to be given the option to let note data/midi input trigger the start of the recording.


I kind of assumed I was doing something wrong and there was a way to do it (aside from inserting an extra pattern or lines) that I was missing!

Sometimes you want to re-sample a phrase or a hook your playing quickly, and the insert-some-lines work around is a bit of a pain.

This gets my vote for a needed feature. (Since Renoise is now lending itself much more effectively to recording in addition to tracking).

I’ve been pushing for a precount for a while now! +1

In addtion, a “begin recording on key depress” option would be very welcomed as well.


already needed that one couple of times


without a doubt.


recording an accoustic guitar is very difficult (need an extra hand to start the record on renoise lol)

so far i just cut the silence or bad bits from the beginning of recorded sample, can take a while to get the sample timing right…


i have a better idea, how about an option to CUT x amount of patterns (and maybe lines also) from recording

thus you wont have to worry about messing the timing up, manually cutting it too little or too much ?!?!

Good idea ?

I think the count in feature would be easyer to make for the renoise team and easyer to understand for renoisers…

+1 for count in.

very useful when turning to midi keyboard after setting recording in motion


count in would be sweet indeed.