I’m running a G4 laptop (first generation) on OS X 10.4.8, with a 1GHz processor and 1GB of SD RAM. I tried listening to some of the beat battle tracks but it said my computer was too slow. I don’t have any major programs running in the backgroud and no viruses. I checked out the minimum system requirements and it seems my system should be more than ok, however it can’t handle all the automation and VST’s in the tracks. I’d eventually like to piece together a desktop mac to remedy this problem - has anyone ever done this? what system specs are recommended for heavy automation and several VST’s in renoise?
You can still listen…render out the tracks (assuming you’ve purchased renoise). Also, have you tried setting the output quality to lower settings?
I don’t own a mac so I cannot help you further, but these things will at least let you be able to hear the music.
that really helped, thanks a lot!