Dunno how relevant for Renoise as this crash happened testing one of the freebies from this years KVR’s challenge, but here’ what the crash log says;
VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate C:\Program Files~AUDIO64~VST(I)64~FREEWARE64\Distortion.dll
VstPlugs: Analyzing VST plugin ‘Unknown Vendor: Distortion’, Unique ID:1329099373, Version:2400
VstPlugs: Instantiate OK
CrashLog: Handling Exception! Code : C0000005
CrashLog: 00007FFF9C43FD98: VSTPluginMain +3AEB8
CrashLog: 000000001898AB90: ??? +00000
CrashLog: 0000000000000B7D: ??? +00000
CrashLog: 00000000005FF660: ??? +00000
CrashLog: 00007FFF9C39BC84: ??? +00000
Application: Caught an unhandled fatal exception (Thread: GUI)!
Application: Saving a backup…
It happened with the 64 bit version of Renoise in windows 10 when trying topreview one of the presets from the plugin. Get the plugin here;https://www.kvraudio.com/product/distortion-by-mathieu-carre