I have a few questions about the song Courtship Dating by Crystal Castles. First of all, around what bpm do you think it’s running at? Secondly, what key and what scales do you think are used? Lastly, what kind of processing do you think is being applied to the girl’s vocals. Unfortunately I do not have a link, but you can find this track simply by typing the title and artist’s name in youtube. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Thanks.
bpm is 120
it’s very easy to detect it lol
processing: def vocoder, maybe chorus or something else
Ok yeah I thought it was around 120 bpm. Just wanted someone else’s opinion though. Do you really think the chic’s vocals are just being vocoded…nothing like autotune or something? I hope so, cause I’ve got a vocoder but no antares.
i don’t think it’s autotune
it seems unfamiliar for them
If you want to figure out BPM of a song, you should try this http://www.all8.com/tools/bpm.htm
Basically you just tap the key along to the rhythm of a song and it will show the approximate BPM depending on how precisely you click.
Also, the chord progression is first just Gm and Dm, then Gm, Dm and Cm.