Ctrl+B (Start selection) clears existing selection - should it?

this is really bugging me (think it was in first beta, too). In recent versions when I pressed ctrl+b in the note editor, the end point was remembered. Now the selection is cleared except for the starting point. Ctrl+e works just like it should.

hmm :frowning: sorry to bump this, but it is still in beta4 and I don’t know if it has technical reasons, but at least it behaves strangely.

In 3.01, if you had your starting point selected and would then define the end point above and left from it, the selection would shrink to that cell. Now it extends the selection in ways I don’t really get. Maybe I am the only one that uses those commands, but it would be great if ctrl+b/ctrl+e (or whatever key you mapped it to) would just define the upper left/lower right end of the selection.

Yes, we changed the behavior so that Control + E always extends (ends), Control B always starts a new selection, just like the mouse does.

The old Control + B behavior also was pretty broken when used together or in mix with mouse selection.

Advantage is that you can quickly select a single “cell” via Control + B now. If no one else cares (well, noone replied until now) I’d prefer to keep it as it is now.

well, I guess I’ll have to adapt then :slight_smile: The new flexible marking options make it a little obsolete anyway. They are super convenient. Only thing I can’t do right now is selecting a whole note-fx column in a breeze. alt+T/Y/A/Q will select two digits width, hitting T/Y/A/Q twice will span the whole column. One more step in between like in the track-fx column would be nice.

Only thing I can’t do right now is selecting a whole note-fx column in a breeze. alt+T/Y/A/Q will select two digits width, hitting T/Y/A/Q twice will span the whole column. One more step in between like in the track-fx column would be nice.

I think this is only true with the phrase editor? In the pattern, everything seems fine.

But it’s true - flexible mark in the phrase editor currently is a bit funky.

Here’s what is different:

  1. Put the cursor in the volume column of a note-column, hit alt+q and volume gets selected for the block (as expected)
  2. Hit alt+q again, the whole note-column gets selected, including the (local) effect column. Here, I’d expect only the note column (and sub-columns sample/vol/pan/dly) to be selected, butnotthe effect column.

The same is true for effect columns

  1. Put the cursor in an local effect column, hit alt+q. Single subcolumn gets selected (as expected)
  2. Hit alt+q again. As before, the whole note-column gets selected. Here, I’d expect only a single, whole effect column to become selected

In other words, flexible mark shouldn’t expand all the way out to the entire phrase. Because, we already have shortcuts for those.

The maximum should be

  • note-column (including the local effect column)

  • master effect-column(s)